Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why Socialism Does Not Work.

 Silverdale Avenue, Guiseley, Leeds.
I FEEL very sad to read the letter by Peter Asquith-Cowen 
(The Yorkshire Post, November 19) concerning his
 critical views of capitalism and advocating socialist ideas.
Boris Johnson promised to defer a corporation tax cut when he addressed the CBI.

Boris Johnson promised to defer a corporation tax cut when he 

addressed the CBI.

We have seen about 100 years of socialist policies, as practised by communist countries, and they do not work.
No government likes to initiate austerity measures, but the Conservative government was forced to do so because 
of the profligate actions of the previous Labour 
administration. Peter does not seem to comprehend 
that all individuals and businesses have to live or work 
within their means.
Jeremy Corbyn is hoping to build on the electoral gains that Labour made in the 2017 election.

Jeremy Corbyn is hoping to build on the electoral gains that Labour 

made in the 2017 election.

His attack on the so-called super-rich would adversely 
affect many. He would be hitting the millions of ordinary 
who invest in companies as a means of saving. He 
would be discouraging all those enterprising entrepreneurs
 who invest their own capital, ideas and sweat to provide
 new goods and services for our benefit while also creating employment.
As for the EU being an efficient economy, many countries 
in it are struggling to make ends meet and controlled by an 
undemocratic political machine which imposes “one policy 
fits all”. 
Leaving the EU will help this country open more doors 
for its enterprising businesses to discover new opportunities. Yorks Post.
