Sunday, November 24, 2019

If Executed In 1999 For Killing Pearl Black - How Could Simon Mellors Have Butchered Janet Scott In 2017??

A man believes his wife would still be alive if the probation service had acted on warnings and sent a convicted murderer back to prison.
Simon Mellors, from Nottingham, murdered his former partner Pearl Black in 1999, then killed Janet Scott after being released from prison on licence.
Her husband, Chris Scott, said Mellors threatened to kill them both and followed Janet to work before she died.
The Ministry of Justice said a full review into the case is under way.
"If the probation service had done something and informed the police and had Mellors been arrested my wife would still be alive," said Mr Scott. BBC.
Blogger: Apparently, the Probation Service 'had failed'. How so? Could it possibly have been watching the man for 24 hours a day? - Every day?
At least, I have a workable solution.
