Some of the very best clothes I have ever owned have come from charity shops.
I am not ashamed to buy 'seconds' on market stalls, either.
Not to seek out the best value is purest folly and surely contains the sin of pride in all its vainglory!
As with old clothes, our society embraces new ideas simply because they are new. Babies are thrown out with the bathwater. Tried and tested: ideas, conventions, systems, moralities and ideologies are abandoned simply because they are not new.
The left refer to all of this as being avant garde and almost literally wet themselves as they wallow in the purest of pride.
Perhaps ironically, fashion becomes a major point of crossover between left and right. Why is it that the left almost invariably embraces fashion, you may well ask yourself?
Give this matter some thought and you will soon recognise gaping inconsistencies rearing their ugly heads in leftist attitudes.
Fashion is a pointless and expensive part of society - making expensive clothes which, in a matter of months, may be deemed to have become unwearable for no substantial reason whatsoever.
The left dare not attack this waste - it is based so very much on their own political philosophies.
If forced into this kind of self-examination, they will puff out chests and proclaim with even greater pride that it is a real money-earner for the nation.
This cognitive dissonance alone should have alarm bells ringing in the heads of every thinking individual.
Consider the insanity behind this self-serving logic whilst admitting my main point, here:
Really? 'Apparent,' huh?