Saturday, December 14, 2019

The EU Must Be Trembling In Fear.

It was all very well for Barnier and co to defy calls for a proper Brexit when they were in a position to manipulate the damage done by the liars at Westminster - but not any more.
604 MPs had declared to their voters in 2017 that they would help bring Brexit about.
HUNDREDS reneged on this promise and for the first time we heard the weasel words, a 'Soft Brexit'. This was to be an imaginary Brexit wherein we would remain in the Customs Union. In other words, they worked for a Brexit that was no Brexit at all.
This was profoundly sinister, dishonest and treasonous - spitting in the face of the electorate.
May accepted this dishonesty and seemed to warm to it. Her empty promises to deliver Brexit were shameful.

Credit to Boris that, in the face of all of the leftist parties working against Brexit - along with a large proportion of his own MPs - he managed to deliver something that is tolerable.
Is this the Brexit I wanted? - No but you have to live in a real world.
The EU is now so terrified of the UK that they will have to soften their stance for the first time. A successful Britain, trading broadly across the world, will surely undermine the EU.
They need our trade far more than we need theirs. They need to be very careful indeed. The sheer size of the Tory majority gives Boris carte blanche in Political Declaration negotiations.
The talk is now of a Canada Super Plus deal.
Canada negotiated a superb deal with the EU which did not impinge on their freedom as a nation.
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) (unofficially, Canada-Europe Trade Agreement) is a free-trade agreement between Canada, the European Union and its member states. It has been provisionally applied, so the treaty has eliminated 98% of the tariffs between Canada and the EU.
Boris should have this as his minimum aim. There is much more to be won.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.