Friday, January 31, 2020

Historically Speaking, The Greatest Day In My Life.

Okay, it was a bit of an anti-climax at midnight in Spain but we sat up on the roof of our house, imbibing bubbly and watching the stars.
There was Orion in all its glory, a gibbous moon, both Mars and Venus were present in a perfectly clear sky. 
Library picture. Our sky was perfect!
The moment came upon us - in the matter of a second, we transferred from being in the Evil Empire to not being. All the joy had been spread over past weeks and there was little left to cheer but a deep contentment came upon me.
We had lived long enough to see the glorious day.
Before midnight I had turned on ITV, only to find the wretched Gina Miller being given air time. I turned it off, angry that the losers are still being given prominence in their continuing, wicked attempts to overturn a legitimate, democratic decision.

Brexit: The Greatest Piece of History Since VE Day.


The Lord Is Good.

Please Pray.

Millions of locusts are swarming all over East Africa.


The Day I Thought Could Never Arrive - Has!

When I began to work for the Brexit cause some 19 years ago - I did so understanding that I was setting myself up for defeat and disappointment.
Over the years, I have toiled, laboured and done my level best to educate people into recognising just how terrible the EU actually was - and how shockingly blinkered were those who supported it. This varied from basic ignorance, through dogmatism and, at one end of the spectrum, it embraced the purest of treason.
The EU has never been our friend. Our relationship has always been subservient and was oft times weakened by political leaders signing over portions of our liberty which we still retained with no quid pro quo whatsoever, attached.
It has bled us dry; we have been forced to pay billions to bail out a Greece whose expensive practices have been nothing less than out and out corruption.
The EU's accounts are so shocking in terms of frivolity, incompetence and corruption that its own Court of Auditors rarely signs off on anything and has not done so in decades.
Bureaucrats have framed laws that have brought untold financial burdens onto our companies. (It would be well worth your time to examine the stats from both The Bruges Group and the Taxpayers' Alliance.)
Our people have been 'robbed' of hundreds of billions which government has not been able to use for improving our infrastructure at the same time as we see EU funds frittered away on projects such as 'improving' the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain.
What little we got back from the EU came:
With strings attached.
With precise instructions how monies must be spent.
With demands that we 'invest' two or three or four times more than the original grant.
All of this on a project we may not have really wanted in the first place.
Having been inside the system, I have witnessed so much: the inability to manage 28 nations with a one-size-fits-all policy; the bureaucrat pronouncements which have been interpolated into our laws; the gravy train politicians who have taken, taken and taken again.
Nigel celebrates his last day as an MEP.
I am thankful for The Ukip which was filled with so many decent folk who pledged to change it all. (Okay - I know that there were some rogues in there and that rightist infiltration eventually destroyed the basic honour within that party BUT it was the start! Some might see The Referendum Party having had that role but I must beg to differ.
The absence of true democracy in the EU shocks (almost) all who unravel its deviousness.
It has been ironic that the Tories are the ones who eventually came along, mounted on white chargers, to bring us something that earlier generations of that party would have shunned.
As the fireworks begin at 11pm today - please remember that there remains a great deal to be fought for - and that is what we want. A great deal.
If we do not get this - a no deal Brexit must still be the outcome, eleven months into the future.
To me, the French and Germans - the actual rulers of the EU - should offer a Canada++ deal from the outset. This would be the best way for them not to get their fingers burned.
As for you, Boris - NEVER WEAKEN, the time to go Churchillian is at hand.
I shall celebrate tonight in a Spanish city. I'm hoping that expats will lighten the skies with fireworks.
All praises be to Our Father in Heaven.
If I may dare to advise the EU anti-democrats, play nicely!

Just A Fraction of What The EU Has Done To Us Over The Decades.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

My Contented Brexit Sigh!
But we need a peerage for NIGEL! As the 'face of Brexit' - it is only right!

How EU Used BSE Against Us.

Surely NOT A Mere Opinion - There Must Be Some Actual Evidence. Innit?

Pastor Rick Wiles says he believes the coronavirus was sent by God to purge sin off the planet blaming 'sexual immorality' and 'filth on TVs and in movies' as being linked to the outbreak. Mail.
What on earth has been accomplished by this ranting? - Made the Church look stoopid?

Mr Deacon Makes A Fine Point.

Labour still haven’t got to grips with Brexit – and one of the reasons is this. They just don’t seem able to see why anyone would dislike the EU. And as a result, they assume that the vote to leave must have been about something other than the EU. As if Leave voters were speaking in some mysterious code, and it’s Labour’s job to crack it. 
It’s a bit like this.
“Good morning, madam, I’m from the Labour party. I gather that you voted to leave the EU. May I ask why?”
“Yes. It’s because I don’t like the EU.”
“Aha! So what you’re saying is, you were casting a protest vote against Tory austerity.”
“No. I’m saying that I don’t like the EU.”
“Aha! So what you’re saying is, you wanted a greater devolution of powers from Whitehall.”... DT.

Blogger: And for the initiated - "Would you like a piece of toast ...?"

Ah. Transgender ... Not Transgender ...

THE FIRST PERSON to legally have his gender recorded as neither male nor female goes back to living as a man, declaring the classification ‘Non-Binary’ is A “Psychologically Harmful Legal Fiction” according to articles in Christian Post 1 January 2020, PJ Media 16 January 2020 and The Christian Institute 17 January 2020. James Shupe began transitioning to living as a woman in 2013 and became the first person to legally have his gender recorded as “non-binary”, i.e. neither male nor female. He has now gone back to living as a man and being identified as male. During his transgender time he took female hormones but stopped short of having surgery. He admitted: “I am and have always been male. That is my biological truth, the only thing capable of grounding me to reality”. He is now warning people against the current transgender culture. He stated on his own website: “I will not be a party to advancing harmful gender ideologies that are ruining lives, causing deaths and contributing to the sterilization and mutilation of gender-confused children”. Shupe recognises that gender confusion is real but the solution is not to interfere with the body. Shupe suffered from several serious illnesses brought on by the hormone therapy. In an interview with Christian Post he gave this advice to children who are struggling with gender confusion: “I understand that you are reluctant to take the advice of older people and would prefer to test things out yourself, but you can’t walk this harm back. You only have one body. You only have one reproductive system. Please don’t ruin it chasing the fantasy that you are something other than your biological sex. While your suffering is real, a gender transition is not the answer to your problems”.
Links: Christian InstituteChristian PostPJ MediaJames Shupe website
ED. COM. Shupe is one of a growing number of people who a) has been caught up in the current transgender fad, but b) recognised their mistake and c) have “de-transitioned”. Sadly many have been irrevocably damaged by puberty blocking drugs, cross gender hormones and surgery. Shupe is correct about gender confusion being a real problem, but confusion is never solved by affirming the false belief that brought on the confusion. Confusion is solved by helping people understand truth – in this case, the biological fact that human beings are male and female from conception, and interfering with the body by drugs and surgery will not change that. Human beings have been male or female ever since God created them that way in the beginning, and those who perpetrate the lie that gender is fluid, will answer to that same God for all the damage their lies have caused. Those who do suffer from gender confusion should seek the One who is the truth – Jesus Christ. By knowing the truth they can be set free to live their lives according to the genes they were given by their Creator. Creation Research.

Biggest Killer In The World Today?

WHAT WAS THE BIGGEST KILLER IN 2019? No, it wasn’t war, cancer, heart attacks or infectious diseases. According to a report in Christian Institute 10 January, an organisation called Worldometer estimated there were over 42 million abortions in 2019, based on statistics collected from the World Health Organisation. They estimate the total number of deaths from other causes as 58.6 million. That makes abortion the biggest single destroyer of human life in 2019. Another, even bigger holocaust, eh?
Links: Christian InstituteWorldometer. Creation Research.

Deep Darkness Into Light.


Alzheimer's? - I'd Rather Have A Cuppa.

Three cups of tea a day could slash risk of Alzheimer's.

Scientists believe flavonols may protect against the disease. DT. CREDIT: JON BOYES

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Too Many Churches Have An Unbalanced Emphasis.

Ours is a God of love, mercy and grace. If you attend a church which preaches this and tells you to be nice to others - that is all well and good but is only partially correct.
Certain things are missing:
1) Ours is a God of justice.
2) He is a God who demands righteousness. Are you told this?
3) Hell is our destination if we do not repent and accept Jesus as our Saviour. So many churches talk of salvation in isolation but not what we are saved fromAre you told this?
4) When is the return of Christ ever preached?
5) What teaching is there on the rapture?
6) What teaching is there on the spiritual gifts?
7) When was the last time you received some 'end times' preaching?
8) Are churches demanding that you do all in your power to see souls saved? - Why not? Is it not important enough?
9) Does your church waste precious time preaching on climate change?
10) Is your church political?
11) Does your church preach a social gospel?
12) Does your church avoid uncomfortable truths and lean on teaching which is effectively based on 'universal salvation?'
13) Does your church pretend that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are just a parable?
14) What evidence is there in your church that God The Holy Spirit is present?
15) Does your church get out into the community or expect the community to come to you?
16) Does your church wholly accept the infallibility of Scripture?
17) Does your church take a Bible-based stand on tricky, social issues?
18) Is yours a thinly disguised 'salvation through good deeds' gospel message?
19) Is your message adapted to 21st century standards because 'God has not yet caught up with man's modern morality.' (And not to worry - because He will eventually. Well, won't He?)
20) If yours is a so-called 'liberal church' - leave at once and find the nearest thing you can to a real church!

So. How is your church? - Well, I trust.
Getting the things above wrong - and you may actually be part of a cult!

Amen To That.

Democracy Triumphed. That Is Why We Deserve A Party!

Sorry, Remainers, but you made us fight for Brexit – we deserve a party.


EU Go Fish!

From the day after tomorrow, we are no longer in the EU. Our coastal waters have NOTHING to do with them whatsoever!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Not Too Amazingly, This Coin Is Sending Remoaners Potty!

   Undated handout photo issued by HM Treasury of Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid holding the Brexit coin, a 50p bearing the inscription 'Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations' and the date the UK leaves the EU. PA Photo. Issue date: Sunday January 26, 2020. Around 3 million Brexit coins will enter banks, Post Offices and shops nationwide from Friday 31 January, with a further 7 million entering circulation later this year. See PA story POLITICS Brexit Coin. Photo credit should read: HM Treasury/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder. 
              I adore the concept! Hallelujah.

I Fear For The Church.

I fear for God's Church. 
So many young people who identify themselves as Christians have embraced socialism - many because of: what they have been taught in school or at university; others because of the poison contained in the lyrics of so much of their music; the toxic outpouring from youth heroes granted platforms across the media etc etc.
Someone I know has been asked to address 'Christian' youth events. This person is not a leftist and has been treated with both scorn and discourtesy. Resentment has shown through - almost to the point of hatred.
These attitudes suffuse both charities and churches.

In this new era of advanced intolerance - emanating from both extreme liberalism and socialism - views are held by many young people purporting to be Christian which would shock countless older people who are actually practising Christians.
There is an ease with which many of these youngsters embrace having 'partners' rather than spouses; they happily support abortion; they approve of homosexual marriage; they follow and absorb 'identity politics'; they have learned to indiscriminately despise conservatism and actually believe that socialist lame thinking can work in practice, in spite of the huge amounts of evidence to the contrary.
If the opposite side of the argument is never presented or experienced in any form - then how can it possibly be understood? This explains the 'bogeyman' thinking of so many on the left, so-called Christians included.
The embracing of causes such as 'climate change', something which has happened throughout the entire history of the planet, simply terrifies me.
To try to make the planet cleaner is a most worthy thing to do but to swallow all the hype is just puerile. 
Unformed minds which have no sense of balance are constantly falling into deliberately-created traps.
How many ministers also embrace these negatives?
If you do not possess the power to think rationally, looking at all sides of an argument, how can you ever know right from wrong?
You can lay certain odds that, within all of these 'thought' processes, the Bible will be calculatedly misinterpreted, sidelined and even rejected. 

I can see no way back without the return of God for His real Church. The Day of Judgement is almost upon us. Worrying about 'climate change' is a distraction from making ourselves ready for Christ's return.

Socialism and Christianity Do NOT Mix.

The Religious Left Just Doesn’t Get It: Socialism Is Anti-Christian

Voiced by Amazon Polly
If someone calls it socialism,” said Rev. William Barber at the August meeting of the Democratic National Committee, “then we must compel them to acknowledge that the Bible must then promote socialism, because Jesus offered free health care to everyone, and he never charged a leper a co-pay.”
Barber’s statement brought secular progressives to their feet in thunderous applause. That included DNC chair Tom Perez, who says that democratic socialists like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represent “the future of our party.” That’s a party once headed by men like John F. Kennedy, who warned of the “fanaticism and fury”—the “ruthless, godless tyranny”—of the “communist conspiracy.”
Describing the U.S. Constitution and the Bible as “socialist documents,” the Rev. Barber exhorted the faithful: “If you want to have a moral debate, bring it on, baby!”
A moral debate on socialism and Christianity, pastor? Sure. Bring it on.
But why pick on Rev. Barber? He’s interchangeable with any number of social justice warriors on the Religious Left. Besides, his statement pales to what was published in the Jesuit-run America magazine a few weeks ago—a loathsome piece titled “The Catholic Case for Communism.” The column, which was written by an America staff writer named Dean Dettloff, came with a defense and explanation by America’s editor-in-chief, Fr. Matt Malone, S.J., called “Why we published an essay sympathetic to communism.”
The spectacle prompted one reader to comment, “What will America publish next, ‘The Catholic Case for Atheism’? or ‘The Catholic Case for Satanism’?”
That’s no laughing matter. The Roman Catholic Church in the 1937 encyclical Divini Redemptoris referred to communism as a “satanic scourge,” a “truly diabolical” instrument of the “sons of darkness.”
Can you imagine a Catholic publication in 2019 defending such an ideology? What did communism produce in the interim, between 1937 and 2019? Oh, only 100 million corpses or so. What on earth is there to reconsider? What is that the “case” for, exactly, besides unsubscribing to America?
But back to this democratic-socialism silliness. I dealt with this not long ago in these pages, laying out at length what the Catholic Church has taught about socialism and even its alleged more “democratic” variants. Here again, this article could run thousands of words with endless examples, including some from the very founders of socialism, Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, and past democratic socialists and Social Democrats refuting this nonsense. Socialism is, in Marxist theory, the final transitionary step to communism.
Here today, I’ll offer merely a snapshot from Vladimir Lenin himself—who, for the record, was a Social Democrat. Yes, you heard that right. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union began life in 1898 as the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. In 1903, at the party’s 2nd Congress, Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin split their Bolshevik faction from their rival Mensheviks. The Bolsheviks were self-professed Social Democrats.
And what did Lenin say about religion? “Religion is opium for the people,” wrote Lenin in December 1905, echoing his hero, Karl Marx. “Religion is a sort of spiritual booze.” That was a mild assessment from a man who wrote that “there is nothing more abominable than religion,” and “all worship of a divinity is a necrophilia.” Yes, necrophilia.
Sticking to this 1905 statement, Lenin saw socialism as incompatible with religious belief: “Everyone must be absolutely free to… be an atheist, which every socialist is, as a rule.” He declared: “Complete separation of Church and State is what the socialist proletariat demands of the modern state and the modern church.” Sounding like a 21st-century secular progressive in America, Lenin insisted that “religion must be declared a private affair.”
Of course, once Lenin and his Bolsheviks took over a decade later, they refused to tolerate religion even as a private affair. In fact, even in that 1905 letter, Lenin conceded as much: “We demand that religion be held a private affair so far as the state is concerned. But by no means can we consider religion a private affair so far as our Party is concerned.” In his Soviet state, the Party was the supreme, infallible authority, and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union would relentlessly pursue what Mikhail Gorbachev called “a wholesale war on religion.”
Lenin continued, stating that in order “to combat the religious fog… we founded our association, the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party, precisely for such a struggle against every religious bamboozling of the workers.” Lenin wanted a political system “cleansed of medieval mildew.” He wanted to halt “the religious humbugging of mankind.”
Other examples from Lenin? I could go on and on. These are tame examples taken from a decade prior to when Lenin came to power and began murdering by the thousands. This is the restrained Lenin. Still, one can see the absolute repudiation of religion vis-à-vis communism, socialism, and democratic socialism.
Four years later, in May of 1909, Lenin repeated: “Religion is the opium of the people—this dictum by Marx is the cornerstone of the whole Marxist outlook on religion.” Here, Lenin was writing explicitly on behalf of fellow “Social Democrats.” What he wrote is worth quoting at length, given what our Christian “democratic socialist” brethren now assert:
It is the absolute duty of Social-Democrats to make a public statement of their attitude towards religion. Social-Democracy bases its whole world-outlook on scientific socialism, i.e., Marxism. The philosophical basis of Marxism, as Marx and Engels repeatedly declared, is dialectical materialism—a materialism which is absolutely atheistic and positively hostile to all religion… Marxism has always regarded all modern religions and churches, and each and every religious organization, as instruments of bourgeois reaction that serve to defend exploitation and to befuddle the working class…
Marxism is materialism. As such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion… We must combat religion—that is the ABC of all materialism, and consequently of Marxism. But Marxism is not a materialism which has stopped at the ABC. Marxism goes further. It says: We must know how to combat religion.
This combat must be waged in order to reverse religion’s hold on the “backward sections of the town proletariat”—that is, the town idiots.
Could a pastor (perhaps the Rev. Barber) or a priest who subscribes to America magazine be a fellow Social Democrat and member of the Party? Of course, one aggressively scratches one’s head, asking why a man of the cloth would desire such a thing to begin with. But, apparently, even in Lenin’s day, a peculiar priest or two must have occasionally considered hooking up with Lenin and his Social Democrats. Lenin himself reflected on the absurd thought:
The question is often brought up whether a priest can be a member of the Social-Democratic Party or not, and this question is usually answered in an unqualified affirmative, the experience of the European Social-Democratic parties being cited as evidence. But this experience was the result, not only of the application of the Marxist doctrine to the workers’ movement, but also of the special historical conditions in Western Europe which are absent in Russia… so that an unqualified affirmative answer in this case is incorrect.
It cannot be asserted once and for all that priests cannot be members of the Social-Democratic Party; but neither can the reverse rule be laid down. If a priest comes to us to take part in our common political work and conscientiously performs Party duties, without opposing the program of the Party, he may be allowed to join the ranks of the Social-Democrats; for the contradiction between the spirit and principles of our program and the religious convictions of the priest would in such circumstances be something that concerned him alone, his own private contradiction… But, of course, such a case might be a rare exception even in Western Europe, while in Russia it is altogether improbable. And if, for example, a priest joined the Social-Democratic Party and made it his chief and almost sole work actively to propagate religious views in the Party, it would unquestionably have to expel him from its ranks.
If a left-wing priest was foolish enough to join the Party, Lenin and the boys would accept the help of the useful idiot for their revolution. But if the strange priest ever tried to share his faith with the fellas, well, he would be shown the door and the boot.
Lenin knew better. So, too, did Marx: “Communism begins where atheism begins,” he asserted. (memo to America magazine).
Once the Bolsheviks took over Russia, atheism was required of Party officials. Any lingering religious sentiment by the Party member must be purged. This was likewise true for the American communist apparatchiks. “Many workers join the Communist Party who still have some religious scruples, or religious ideas,” conceded William Z. Foster, head of the Communist Party U.S.A., in testimony to Congress, “but a worker who will join the Communist Party, who understands the elementary principles of the Communist Party, must necessarily be in the process of liquidating his religious beliefs and, if he still has any lingerings when he joins the Party, he will soon get rid of them.”
Again, take note, America. This is why religious people, and especially the Roman Catholic Church, knew that communism and socialism were antithetical to religion: the communists and socialists told us they were.
This is the crucial history that our modern Religious Left apparently don’t know, surely because they never learned it. Our universities have failed to teach this material, instead criticizing anti-communism and anti-socialism. We are now reaping what we’ve sown. You know you’re in spiritual darkness when not even the religious can be counted on to refute communism and socialism.

Terrible But The Needs of The Many Outweigh The Needs of The Very Few.

What does it take these days for a nihilistic terrorist to get locked up in prison for the rest of his life? In America, you're led to a small cold foreboding window-less cell and you don't come out again. Mail.

The Subject of A Catchy Chorus Many of Us Used To Sing 40 Years Ago.

Brexit: An Interesting Take - And Quite Possibly Correct.

Pessimistic Remainers never stood a chance against the inherent optimism of Brexit.

No Offence To Vegans Intended.


Spotting The Earliest Signs of The Most Common Cancer Killer In The UK.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Nine Wickets In The Game For Wood As England Win By A Huge 191 Runs,

Let us not pretend that that this was easy. England had to toil in the field on a pitch that was not deteriorating as quickly as skipper, Joe Root, might have liked.
South Africa worked hard - and what a tragedy to see Van der Dussen fall two runs short of what would have been a maiden century.
Mark Wood. What a star after a heavily injury-hit career.
Well done, England - but let us not forget that in four matches, Joe won the toss all four times. What if ...?
In the not too dim and distant future, on February the 4th to be precise, the one dayers will begin with many of the triumphant test side standing down to make way for the World Cup winners!

England Poised To Win Series 3 - 1.

England were bowled out on the third day leaving South Africa a gargantuan total to chase.
They need 466 to win over the next two days. If I explain that the world record for runs scored to win any test, batting in the fourth innings, is 418 - perhaps you will grasp how well England have done.
Should the weather hold, an England victory appears certain.

Even so, it was perhaps not quite so critical once a big lead had been established but far too many England batsmen again gave away their wickets in pretty awful fashion.
And yes, I am wholly convinced that the test careers of wicket-keeper/batsmen Bairstow and Buttler are now at an end.

Ben Foakes with/without facial hair.
Ben Foakes will surely be taking up the place in the side so long denied him. The other two will surely be 'relegated' to one day cricket.

Let Us Bask In The Love of God.

Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.

Isn't It Terrific To Have Politicians Who Want The Very Best For The UK?

Priti Patel EU Brussels trade deal threat divergence Boris Johnson

Priti Patel calls Brussels’ bluff on Brexit trade deal threat ‘we will not be rule takers.'  Mail.
Such an agreeable thing to have those in power who are not 'surrender monkeys' but who want to fight our corner.I was beginning to think that the EU had knocked that out of us!

Blessed Are Those Who Die In The Lord.

I am truly sorry to learn of the tragic death of nine people in a helicopter crash including the great US basketball player, Kobe Bryant and his daughter.
Described as 'very devout', we can rejoice in his salvation. I pray that all of the victims 'died in the Lord'.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Supporting Our Brothers & Sisters In Central Asia.

Christians in Central Asia are facing huge challenges, and we want to invite you to help them. Our partner and his co-workers travel to countries like Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan to help local Christian workers who are sharing the good news of Jesus and discipling new believers who face persecution.
Most Christians in Central Asia are unable to lead ordinary lives. They can be arrested for reading the Bible in a public place like a bus or a train, or for telling other people about Jesus.
Featured Image
Often the homes of local pastors or believers can be searched and their belongings confiscated by the police because everyday Christian activities like praying together, or doing a Bible study can be deemed as ‘illegal.’
Take Tajikistan, for example. New churches that do not have their own buildings cannot hold Sunday services in other buildings because it’s prohibited by the police.
Obtaining permission from the government is very difficult and complicated. Also, they do not have the resources to purchase a building. So, they are forced to worship in secret and if they are caught doing this they could face interrogation and heavy fines.
Release channels financial resources to local Christian workers across Central Asia through our trusted ministry partners. When the going gets hard they can count on our prayers and support to help them stand strong in their faith.
Release International.

England Dominate Final Test.

No test team has ever scored more than 350 in Jo'burg and lost. England made exactly 400 before marmalising the South Africans with Wood leaving them in total disarray on 88 for 6.
Beware of flying stumps!

BUT, it might not have gone quite so well: poor South African bowling still managed to create chances; there were dropped catches in the field, England threw away wickets with abandon and Buttler's reign as number one wicket-keeper/batsman has surely come to a Bairstow-like fate.
After all the terrific batting earlier in the innings, Root, Stokes, Curran and Buttler were all out to some very poor shots.
It was left to the tail of Wood and Broad to put on a staggering last wicket stand of 84. Mouthwatering stuff!
With the weather still a doubt, it seems more than probable that Root would again force the follow on should that opportunity arise.

Dan Hannan Predicts.

Mr Hannan said: “The question is not if Britain will rejoin the EU.
“The question is who is going to be the next to leave.
"Who is going to be the first to join us and the other 170 odd countries outside the EU, trading with our neighbours but governing ourselves."
He noted: "There are two ways in which it could happen.
ctp_video, brexit, brexit news, brexit latest, daniel hannan, european union, eu news, eu latest, ursula von der leyen,
Boris Johnson’s Withdrawal Agreement is officially UK law (Image: GETTY)
"It could happen accidentally because of some economic shock.
"In that case, I think Italy would a candidate.
"Or it could happen Brexit-style.
"In other words a referendum. Demand for a referendum and a successful referendum."
"I think I would probably at the moment put my money on the Netherlands.
ctp_video, brexit, brexit news, brexit latest, daniel hannan, european union, eu news, eu latest, ursula von der leyen,
"But I have to nod in the direction of Denmark, which is also having a similar debate."
To complicate things for the EU, after January 31, Identity and Democracy, the eurosceptic coalition formed by Itay’s Matteo Salvini and France’s Marine Le Pen, will become the institution’s fourth largest.
They will overtake the pro-European Greens as new parliamentary seats are allocated to replace the outgoing Britons.
I&D will benefit from three new members as part of the redistribution of the 73 seats formerly occupied by British MEPs. Sunday Express.


Mike Pence.

Mike Pence called ‘one of the most persecuted Christians in America’ at church MLK celebration.


Saving Kanye West.

Kanye West shares how Jesus saved him from devil; hundreds dedicate lives to Christ at youth conference.

Spain: How Not To Run A Nation.

The Spanish state has more people on its payroll than there are in the entire private sector.

Saturday, January 25, 2020


ISIS child soldier executes Nigerian Christian student, declares 'we will not stop'.

The Nigerian man who was executed by a child militant in a video released by a Boko Haram offshoot group aligned with the Islamic State days ago has been identified as a 22-year-old Christian college student.
Blogger: I really do object to the word 'execution' being used. An execution is the lawful putting to death of a serious criminal. What we see here is murder at its worst.
I invite people to pray for the perpetrators of such incredible evil that they will turn instead to Jesus - but if they will not, for the sake of the ordinary and the innocent, that God will wipe them from the face of the earth.
This is a wholly legitimate holy prayer. Please pray it. Do recall that God will never forgive unrepented sin.
Psalm 34:16. But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to blot out their name from the earth.
Psalm 37:9. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.
