Thursday, January 30, 2020

Mr Deacon Makes A Fine Point.

Labour still haven’t got to grips with Brexit – and one of the reasons is this. They just don’t seem able to see why anyone would dislike the EU. And as a result, they assume that the vote to leave must have been about something other than the EU. As if Leave voters were speaking in some mysterious code, and it’s Labour’s job to crack it. 
It’s a bit like this.
“Good morning, madam, I’m from the Labour party. I gather that you voted to leave the EU. May I ask why?”
“Yes. It’s because I don’t like the EU.”
“Aha! So what you’re saying is, you were casting a protest vote against Tory austerity.”
“No. I’m saying that I don’t like the EU.”
“Aha! So what you’re saying is, you wanted a greater devolution of powers from Whitehall.”... DT.

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