Monday, January 20, 2020

Warning To The Mandarins of The Civil Service.

I do not like you. I have never liked you. I do not trust you. You are a sickening part of the liberal elite which needs to be destroyed in the UK.
You do not have the interests of the people at heart; you do not care about democratic mandates; you are utterly self-serving. You are considerably worse than anything ever portrayed by Sir Humphrey in Yes Minister.
As a Christian, however, I shall proffer a piece of advice which is entirely in your best interests.
Where Brexit is concerned, back off! Should you not do so, the wrath of Boris will surely descend on you and you ain't gonna like it!
I am starting to think that Mr Cummings is a mighty asset, not only to the Tories but to the nation itself. YOU ARE IN HIS SIGHTS!
