Friday, January 31, 2020

The Day I Thought Could Never Arrive - Has!

When I began to work for the Brexit cause some 19 years ago - I did so understanding that I was setting myself up for defeat and disappointment.
Over the years, I have toiled, laboured and done my level best to educate people into recognising just how terrible the EU actually was - and how shockingly blinkered were those who supported it. This varied from basic ignorance, through dogmatism and, at one end of the spectrum, it embraced the purest of treason.
The EU has never been our friend. Our relationship has always been subservient and was oft times weakened by political leaders signing over portions of our liberty which we still retained with no quid pro quo whatsoever, attached.
It has bled us dry; we have been forced to pay billions to bail out a Greece whose expensive practices have been nothing less than out and out corruption.
The EU's accounts are so shocking in terms of frivolity, incompetence and corruption that its own Court of Auditors rarely signs off on anything and has not done so in decades.
Bureaucrats have framed laws that have brought untold financial burdens onto our companies. (It would be well worth your time to examine the stats from both The Bruges Group and the Taxpayers' Alliance.)
Our people have been 'robbed' of hundreds of billions which government has not been able to use for improving our infrastructure at the same time as we see EU funds frittered away on projects such as 'improving' the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain.
What little we got back from the EU came:
With strings attached.
With precise instructions how monies must be spent.
With demands that we 'invest' two or three or four times more than the original grant.
All of this on a project we may not have really wanted in the first place.
Having been inside the system, I have witnessed so much: the inability to manage 28 nations with a one-size-fits-all policy; the bureaucrat pronouncements which have been interpolated into our laws; the gravy train politicians who have taken, taken and taken again.
Nigel celebrates his last day as an MEP.
I am thankful for The Ukip which was filled with so many decent folk who pledged to change it all. (Okay - I know that there were some rogues in there and that rightist infiltration eventually destroyed the basic honour within that party BUT it was the start! Some might see The Referendum Party having had that role but I must beg to differ.
The absence of true democracy in the EU shocks (almost) all who unravel its deviousness.
It has been ironic that the Tories are the ones who eventually came along, mounted on white chargers, to bring us something that earlier generations of that party would have shunned.
As the fireworks begin at 11pm today - please remember that there remains a great deal to be fought for - and that is what we want. A great deal.
If we do not get this - a no deal Brexit must still be the outcome, eleven months into the future.
To me, the French and Germans - the actual rulers of the EU - should offer a Canada++ deal from the outset. This would be the best way for them not to get their fingers burned.
As for you, Boris - NEVER WEAKEN, the time to go Churchillian is at hand.
I shall celebrate tonight in a Spanish city. I'm hoping that expats will lighten the skies with fireworks.
All praises be to Our Father in Heaven.
If I may dare to advise the EU anti-democrats, play nicely!
