Sunday, January 19, 2020

Fire Problems In Oz Multiplied By Lightning Strikes and Arson.

LIGHTNING STRIKES: Since lightning strikes across Oz are measured and recorded, now ‘some that claim to know’ argue that there has been little dry lightning in the last month in fire regions to cause fires, and no damp piles of grass to self-combust. But a head Fire Fighter known to us disputes that claim stating; “I have personally been to five fires started by lightning, and I am aware of at least 10 others. Two I attended took three weeks to get under control, one is still being watched after six weeks as it is very much alive, but within containment lines. Another re-ignited the other day after four weeks of inactivity. By far the largest number of ignitions have been by lightning, power lines fault, accident, or foolishness.” Creation Research.

Considering The Damage To Our Nation Caused By Sky-High Migration, It Must Now Drop To Near Zero. We Are Already The Most Overcrowded Major Nation In The Western World!

Angela Rayner 'will clear area of Green Belt the size of SURREY' for building by designating it as 'grey belt' rather than c...