Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Boris: A Mediocre Start But He Was Always Nothing More Than A Lesser Evil.

A bit unimpressive, really.
Keeping on the HS2 white elephant is simple lunacy. 

Farming out much of the work to the Chinese in the project is unacceptable.
His attack on the Beeb has lacked all finesse and has inevitably been challenged from within the Tory Party.

Annoying the Americans over Huawei is folly.

Taking huge steps in a socialist direction by 'priming the pump' tactics with money we do not have is simple lunacy.

Thus far, he has stood up well to the French over negotiating a Brexit deal but ... there's a long way to go and ... he is no real Tory, is he?

Did well to bring a small handful of remainers into the cabinet. That shows he bears no grudges.

Have to worry a little bit about someone who appoints a twelve year old to be Chancellor of the Exchequer. Could be a stroke of genius ... maybe. Only time will tell.

Far too much ultra-expensive pandering to the more rabid elements of the green lobby.

Still, however mediocre the start - anything had to be better than a Corbynista government.
