Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Kingdom of Heaven. (Hutterites.)

I watched this programme with great interest, especially noting when the interviewer made a comparison to Hutterite lives and communism. The leader of the featured community agreed.
Thinking was for leaders; women were subservient; nobody had any element of choice; people were forced into whatever work was deemed important for the community; there was no personal decision-making permitted; all personal choices had to be submitted to the leadership; each person had their needs met but was given $4 per month for fripperies or things not seen as essential.
Naturally enough, any such communist venture would have to expunge the religious element - but as they were all following a false gospel in the first place - that would matter little. A 'faith by works' gospel is no Gospel at all.
False religion could merely be replaced with socialist dogma.
As the individual was deemed to be nothing more than a mere cog in the mighty machine, I found the concept terrifying, suffocating and wholly contrary to the Scriptures.
This was not what Acts 2 was talking about.
Unlike a communist system - the victims did have the option to leave - but that meant almost total severance from their families.
All youngsters today should be forced to watch this programme to show just how awful extreme socialism is in practice. (Do remember too that this group had good intentions - not something most marxists could ever be accused of having.)
The leftist bias educated into our young people would soon wither and die away.
