Thursday, May 07, 2020

Abortion Act Triumph: 9.5 Million Slaughtered Unborn Children Who Did Not Really Matter.

On the 52nd anniversary of the Abortion Act, Andrea Williams reflects on how much has changed – and how much the Church must step up to protect life.
It’s 52 years today since the Abortion Act came into force. Since then, we’ve seen around 9 ½ million abortions in the UK. That’s nearly the entire population of London.
Some of them have taken place in the kinds of situations first imagined by lawmakers as the 1967 Abortion Act was passed. But the vast majority of abortions now take place because of choice, not because of a real threat to the mother’s wellbeing.
I’m devastated for every one of these lives lost. And I’m devastated that the number of abortions, and the abortion rate, has been going up over the last ten years.
We all recognise the beauty and value of the unborn child. Christian Concern.

A Church Ditches Digital.