Brexit confession: David Davis’ brutal assessment of Chequers meeting exposed.
BREXIT day finally arrived in January after years of parliamentary impasse and delay - and according to an archived interview with former Brexit Secretary David Davis, the pivotal Chequers meeting, where Theresa May presented her Brexit deal, was actually "rigged".
This is not the first time Mr Davis has stood up for his eurosceptic beliefs — back in 2018, he was the first cabinet minister to resign in opposition to Mrs May’s Chequers deal, which he argued offered a soft Brexit.
Speaking to BBC journalist Mark Mardell for BBC Radio 4’s ‘Brexit: A Love Story?’, the former cabinet minister explained why he quit his job after the key meeting.
Mr Mardell asked: “What mood were you in when you went into the meeting, did you feel it was going to end up as it did?”
He said: “Well, I thought the odds were against me. “This is a 75 to 80 percent Remainer camp, so I didn’t expect to win but I was damned if I was going to give up without a fight.”
Mr Mardell asked: “Did you directly confront the Prime Minister?”
He replied: “Well I said to her in terms, here are four or five things that are fatal to this.
“And I didn’t mince words about that.”