Monday, May 18, 2020

I Can Promise Readers That 'No Trade Deal' Will Be Worse For The EU Than For Us.

Britain to call EU's bluff with audacious manoeuvre as trade talks row explodes.

BRITAIN is set to publish documents revealing all EU's threats made to the UK during the Brexit negotiations after trade talks resulted in another "downbeat" day of no concrete progress. Britain and Brussels appeared far apart on agreeing on a future post-Brexit trade arrangement after the UK's chief negotiator said "very little" progress had been made in the latest round of talks. David Frost insisted the major obstacle to agreement was the EU's insistence on including a set of "novel and unbalanced proposals" regarding a level playing field on standards. Mr Frost also said it is "hard to understand why the EU insists on an ideological approach" to negotiations on fishing rights. The British Government will now publish all documents related to the talks. Commenting on the latest Brexit news on Sky News, Europe correspondent Adam Parsons said: “David Frost was very downbeat today about any progress that has been made.

“The British side say they are going to publish all of their documents now, the Europeans have already done that.
“They are frankly still arguing about the arguments.
“In terms of actual concrete progress towards a deal, very little seems to have been achieved.
“So that does raise the spectre of the UK leaving at the end of this year with no trading agreement for next year and the years beyond.”

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...