Thursday, December 17, 2020

Time To Boycott Goods From All Countries Dominated By The Fascist Left?

 A church in Wuhan, China, where the COVID-19 pandemic began, gathered supplies for hospitals to help them fight the outbreak. But their donations were refused because the church was branded ‘illegal’.

Your gift will shine the light of justice in places like these, where COVID-19 has become an excuse for an extra clampdown on faith communities.
It’s not only Christians who are persecuted in China. More than a million Uyghurs – a predominantly Muslim ethnic group – have been detained in so-called ‘re-education’ camps. Reasons for detention include accessing religious materials online, or behaviour allegedly indicating ‘wrong thinking’ or ‘religious extremism’.
I was overwhelmed by the response to my email a few weeks ago - I’m so grateful to everyone who has made a gift to our Christmas appeal so far, and to a generous supporter who doubled some of those gifts.
As we approach the end of the year, marginalised religious communities around the world still need your support. We wanted to give you an opportunity to help them. Through your giving, we can keep campaigning for everyone who faces injustice because of their religion or belief. CSW.

Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...