Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Crazy Dude?


Lord Sumption to decide the worth of a life?

It is one thing to oppose the terms of lockdown, quite another to declare some lives more valuable than others.

This time, Lord Sumption went too far even by his own previously controversial standards.
The retired Supreme Court judge has long stated his opposition to the Covid-19 restrictions. In a weekend discussion on BBC One’s The Big Questions about the dilemmas created by these measures, Sumption told Deborah James, the 39-year-old host of the BBC’s You, Me and the Big C podcast who suffers from stage 4 bowel cancer, that her life was “less valuable” than others.
Under a barrage of criticism over this remark, Sumption said it had been taken out of context. But it had not.
The discussion had centred upon whether some lives should be deemed more valuable than others. Sumption repeated his view. The Times. Melanie Phillips.
Blogger: how was this man ever promoted to such high office?

Learning From Joseph.