Sunday, January 31, 2021

Total Ban On Pavement Parking Is Insane!

PAVEMENT parking could become illegal by the end of the year under new plans currently being considered by the Government.

Above is a photo I took yesterday of a small, narrow Sheffield  street. 

You will note that pavements are disproportionately wide in relation to the narrowness of the road itself. Were the paths a little narrower, pedestrians would still be able to easily pass a pushchair moving in the opposite direction.

Note too how now, drivers on both sides feel the need to park partly on the paths. You would think that this might cause problems for people on foot - but generally does not.

Two vehicles travelling in opposite directions cannot pass each other in any circumstances if there is only 'legal' parking down both sides of the road.

If drivers do not park as shown above but do park 'legally' - it becomes almost impossible for any large single vehicle to move down this street. This includes, pickup vehicles for the disabled, fire engines, ambulances, delivery vehicles, gritters, working trucks on utilities and many more besides.

Tragically, to make this poor new 'plan' work, it would be necessary to paint yellow lines all the way down one side of the road.

Where would these vehicles then go?

If a house has the need for a second vehicle - as many do in order to get people to work - almost all private drives will only take a single vehicle.

As you will note, most houses have gardens at the front - although, sadly, a few have paved the whole frontage.

The latter results in loss of colour, loss of environments for birds and insects and ever more glorious concrete! Under this proposed law, the concrete will have to take over at almost every house. Adieu lawns, trees, hedges and small gardens. Where are the Mickey Mouse environmentalists when it matters?

This street is annoyingly narrow but locals have made it work and now the government wishes to foul that all up. 

Let us not pretend that traffic wardens will only be dispatched to those places where pavement parking is wholly undesirable because, as we all know, common sense will simply not be applied. The Law is The Law, after all.

Learning From Joseph.