Thursday, January 21, 2021

Knowing What They Are, What Normal Person Could Ever Support BLM?

 Black Lives Matter is a Marxist Revolutionary Movement. Posted by Guest Author | Jan 20, 2021    

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist Revolutionary Movement

Written by ‘Classical Liberal’

“We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia [Garza] in particular, we’re trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories.”
(BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, 22 July 2015)
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a Marxist revolutionary movement that wants to transform the USA into a communist dystopia. BLM says that it aims to abolish the nuclear family, police, prisons, and capitalism. BLM leaders have threatened to ‘burn down the system’ if their demands are not met. They are also training militias.
A recent poll by the Pew Research Center showed that more than two-thirds of Americans support the BLM movement. The high level of support for BLM raises the question of how much does the public really know about BLM?
BLM advertises itself as a grassroots movement dedicated to the laudable goals of combating police brutality and racism. Closer scrutiny reveals that BLM is a Marxist revolutionary movement that aims to transform the USA – and the entire world – into a communist dystopia.
BLM’s founders openly proclaim that they are ‘trained Marxists’. They acknowledge that their mentors include former members of the Weather Underground, a radical left-wing terrorist organisation that attempted to foment a communist revolution in the USA in the 1960s and 1970s. BLM supports Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro, whose socialist policies have caused economic collapse and untold suffering to millions of Venezuelans.
BLM says that it aims to abolish: the nuclear family; police and prisons; heteronormativity; and capitalism. BLM also demands a moratorium on rent, mortgages and utilities, and reparations for a long list of grievances. BLM leaders have threatened to ‘burn down the system’ if these demands are not met. BLM is also training militias based on the militant Black Panther movement of the 1960s.
BLM, which is not registered as a non-profit organisation for tax purposes, has raised tens of millions of dollars in donations. BLM’s financial affairs are dubious to say the least. Donations to BLM are collected by ActBlue, a fundraising platform associated with the Democratic Party and causes linked to it.
Most importantly, BLM’s central argument is built upon a lie – namely that the USA is ‘at war’ with African Americans. African Americans are not being systematically oppressed by whites. Over fifty-five years after the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, more than three-quarters of Americans, including most whites and most blacks, agree that genuine progress has been made in dismantling racial discrimination. Researchers have concluded that BLM’s inability to provide clear empirical evidence of systemic racism explains why its leaders continue to ‘broaden and deepen’ their indictment to include the entire American social and political system.
BLM has taken most of its agenda from radical left-wing groups that operated in the USA in the 1960s and 1970s. BLM is an ideological child of the Black Power Movement, the Black Panthers, the Black Liberation Army and the Weather Underground, all of which aimed to overthrow the US political system.
BLM is innovative in two important respects. Firstly, it has succeeded in using identity politics and intersectionality to whip up a broad range of grievances that extend far beyond race – including gender identity, sexual orientation, class, religion, immigration status, and other identity markers – thereby insuring that BLM offers something to nearly everyone who claims victim status. And, secondly, it has succeeded in employing social media to stir up mob hysteria and channel societal anger into a political movement with a wide online reach.
BLM has the following ideological influences. BLM is at the heart of a huge network of Marxist groups, whose stated goals are often similar to those of Antifa anarchists, many of whom have been piggybacking on BLM protests to cause violence and looting. BLM derives funding from the following sources. Left-of-centre foundations, including the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Ford Foundation, as well as intermediaries, including Thousand Currents, Borealis Philanthropy and the Alliance for Global Justice, have provided tens of millions of dollars to BLM and the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), an umbrella group that coordinates BLM activism.
BLM is a revolutionary anti-capitalist movement pretending to be a civil rights movement. Its focus on racial issues is a cover for a much larger effort to completely dismantle the American economic, political and social systems and rebuild them from scratch – according to Marxist principles.
In summary, BLM is an old-fashioned power grab. In reality, this has nothing to do with black lives and everything to do with Marxist anarchists who have hijacked, as they always do, an important social issue with which they will undermine the very communities and people they claim to represent. Independence News.

Learning From Joseph.