Sunday, January 31, 2021

In The Immortal Words of Fleetwood Mac - OH WELL!

Von der Leyen asked to resign after 'grievous error' by European Commission.

URSULA VON DER LEYEN has been asked to resign after the European Commission made a "grievous error" over its threat to impose export controls to grab the UK's vaccine.


Blogger: for those readers who have never experienced at first hand the petty-minded, narrow, rule-bound abomination which calls itself the EU - might I suggest that you look at this horror with care? 
Perhaps those who have not investigated this as an official EU researcher such as myself should care to examine all of the reasons why we had to quit.
Dear Ursula is just the tip of a mighty iceberg of atrocities ranging from: insane bureaucracy, to mega inefficiency, squandered funds to malice, incompetence to imperialistic designs.

Learning From Joseph.