Monday, October 18, 2021

A Fiction Which Is An Insult To Christianity.

Professor James D Tabor from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, told the documentary: "When you think of the Last Supper, there's only one object that's mentioned, there's this reference to 'the cup.'"

Many, like Robert Griffiths Jones, a church leader, believe that an object as significant as the cup would have been preserved by the disciples for posterity. Express.
Blogger: Christianity has never ever been about relics but has always been about relationship - between us and God the Son.
So, are we to believe that there was such an item as 'The Holy Grail' just because RGJ - inter al - thinks that part of the crockery after a meal must have been filched by the disciples?                   Get real!
IF it existed and IF it were found - SO WHAT?
Finding archaeological items which confirm Scriptures, however, is a whole different story.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.