Monday, October 18, 2021

DAN HODGES: "I don't know why Sir David Amess was killed but the visceral hatred of Tories at the heart of Labour has to end right now."

DAN HODGES: The visceral hatred of Tories at the heart of Labour has to end right now  DAN HODGES: I last saw David Amess a fortnight ago in the slightly incongruous setting of a houseboat moored on the Manchester Ship Canal. We were attending the annual conference party thrown by Thurrock MP Jackie Doyle-Price, where David was in typically ebullient form. As he left, he asked about my mother - the former Labour MP for Hampstead & Highgate - with whom he used to spar across the Commons chamber. 'Give her my love,' he requested, 'though I'm not sure she would remember me.' All Labour MPs remember David. His surprise victory in Basildon on Election night 1992 brought an end to the party's hopes of ousting John Major. But it was never held against him. As the warmth and sincerity of the tributes that have been paid from the Labour benches attest.

A Church in Crisis.