Monday, October 18, 2021

Reparations Must Be Made.

In 1915 a huge draft horse stamped on my grandfather's foot causing him lifelong pain and discomfort.

                                                                                    Not necessarily the same horse.

In our brave new reparations culture - as eldest grandchild, I think that I must have an entitlement to his rather hefty compensation - as yet unpaid.
Okay, that farm is not run by the same people and it appears to have been subsumed into something larger but we must not be discouraged by irrelevant matters.
Grandad was too poor to have engaged a solicitor; would not have thought about doing so; would perhaps not have even grasped the concept of suing anybody. 
It is perhaps time for me to right this wicked wrong. Whoever owns what remains of that farm on the Humber Bank owes me money.
I am clearly entitled to a rather large payout. There must be redress. Amends must be made and must involve substantial cash sums + interest, of course.
'Proof' you say? Well Grandad told me the story - what more evidence can be sought?
I think I'll give my solicitor a call.

Revelation 15.

  “Great and marvelous are your deeds,                                                                  Lord God Almighty. Just and true are...