Sunday, October 17, 2021

UK Unemployment.

 1.64 million unemployed.

1.32 million vacancies.

Blogger: it would be absurdly simplistic to subtract the lower figure from the higher and reach any sort of conclusion.

Job locations may not match; qualification levels may not be sufficient; suitability may be a mismatch; salaries offered may be absurdly low etc.

BUT. There surely has to be a very significant number of vacancies available which are not being applied for by people perfectly prepared to keep living on benefits. We must ask why jobs in agriculture are being shunned when income levels are happily rising. (As a nation we do not want to import low paid workers just because they happen to be cheap or illegal or both!)

We have shortages in a number of key areas - nursing and HGV drivers to name but two. 
The government's job is to ensure that there is a sufficiency of training places. It is the duty of the unemployed to take whatever training courses which will lead them into better paid employment.

For jobs which require few or no fundamental skills - there should be zero problem. Currently, in Sheffield - any unskilled worker unemployed for more than a week or two is 'avin' a larf at the system.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.