Friday, December 31, 2021

From Right To Life.

Earlier this month, I sent you a message with details on our plan for the coming year to push forward with a major initiative to turn the tide and put the UK firmly on the path to having the first pro-life change to abortion legislation in over 30 years, as well as the likely battles we will face from the abortion and assisted suicide lobbies to again attempt to introduce extreme legislation to the UK.

Thinking back on it, that email was one of the most challenging I have written.

It is very difficult for me to think of the thousands of lives that will be lost next year alone if we allow their plans to become law.

That is why I’m grateful for the initial support we’ve seen from people like you. We are 62% of the way to our goal of raising £300,000 that will allow us to fight back against their efforts and launch our nationwide initiative to put the UK firmly on course towards having a pro-life change to legislation. But we’re not there yet...
With 38% remaining, I urge you to give generously today. You can help us to create a culture that values life and prevent laws that allow for the deaths of thousands of unborn children.

Your donation will ensure that we can defeat likely attempts by the abortion and assisted suicide lobbies to introduce extreme changes in 2022 along with putting the UK firmly on course to having life-saving pro-life changes to abortion legislation.
Please click here to donate now


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