Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Green Lobby ...

 ... frightens me.

This is not just because so many members of the Old British Communist Party moved into that group when their own gang was split asunder.

It is also because of the shedloads of inaccuracies in Al Gore's absurd film, An Inconvenient Truth which was riddled with errors to such an extent the film was more like a work of fiction than of reality.

On another level - some decades ago, do you recall all the Green-engendered panic about us contributing to deforestation by getting our food in paper bags?

Well instead of planting more trees to solve a perceived problem - everyone went plastic - and for pretty much everything! Shall we perhaps proclaim that as a major Green victory?

And today, countless third world countries are going to suffer dreadfully in the 'noble fight against fossil fuels'.

BTW, have you noticed how minute, how infinitesimally tiny changes to climate are going to be, in any case? If we unrealistically believe it possible to change climate anthropogenically on the highly dubious premise that our shifting climate patterns (already not at all unusual) by anthropogenic action - it will cost trillions.

Meanwhile, the communist Chinese march ever onwards - not throwing money away but maximising use of fossil fuels whilst developing the world's most mighty military machine and trying, rather successfully, to hijack capitalism via investment and cheap exports. Biden wanders on - clueless as ever!


What can the Church learn from Jimmy Carter? Peter Crumpler    10 January 2025. After leaving the White House, Jimmy Carter and his wife Ros...