Me: "Is yours a pretend church?"
You: "I don't understand."
Me: "Does your church follow all the teaching of the Scriptures?"
You: "Of course. We are Christians, after all."
Me: "Ah. So, if a modern concept comes along, you will not opt to incorporate it and adjust your church's teaching accordingly?"
You: "Well, you do have to move with the times."
Me: "Even if you can truly see that the modern idea contradicts the
Word of God?"
You: "Er ... "
Me: "Can you not grasp that if modern theories overrule God's - Word they (and you, if you follow them) are overruling God; you are diminishing Him and a diminished God is no longer God at all?"
You: "Er ....
Me: "Does God reign supreme or not? Does He reign supreme in your church? Does He reign supreme in your life?"
You: "Well ... er ... "
Me: "If you are being a pretend Christian you can either trust in God or reject Him. There is no middle path. Is that not logical?
You: "Well, I do not want to reject him but ... "
Me: "But? - And in any case, if your church is not following Scripture as best it can - WHY are you remaining
there and pretending?"
You: "Huh?"