Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Fossil Fuels - A Dose of Reality.

School’s Promise Contradicts Gloomy Predictions for Fossil Fuels.

by Gordon Tomb – December 30, 2021
TUNKHANNOCK, PA —Those declaring the decline of fossil fuels as a done deal should check in with Lackawanna College’s School of Petroleum and Natural Gas (PNG).  Students here are looking forward to life-long careers.
“It baffles me,” says Wyoming County Commissioner Thomas Henry, commenting on the popular media’s gloom-and-doom representation of the fossil fuel industry. Natural gas production has breathed new life into northeastern Pennsylvania, which sits atop the prolific Marcellus Shale formation — one of world’s richest.
“I only see this industry getting larger and larger,” says Mr. Henry. “There is no lack of gas resources here. It is not going away in my lifetime or in my children’s lifetimes.”

As The Tories Sag Into Oblivion, Reform UK Is Building A Real Political Party of The People!
