Monday, January 03, 2022


Mrs Blogger and I watched the recent four-parter, 'Landscapers' on TV. We struggled to the end expecting that it could not possibly be as immoral as it seemed - we were wrong, it actually got worse!

It featured Olivia Colman & David Thewlis as the appalling double killers, Susan and Christopher Edwards, who are currently serving a life sentence for murder with no possibility of release until 2039.
This vile pair butchered her parents, emptied their bank accounts and sold their house as well as burying the cadavers in the back garden. In total they stole over a quarter of a million pounds.
Ed Sinclair and Will Sharpe were responsible for the writing and directing of this abomination. Shame on Colman and Thewlis for accepting the lead roles.
It treats the deaths of an ageing couple as a triviality. It pretended that the two killers were both sympathetic and the possessors of finer feelings. It makes the watcher feel a warm sense of affection for the two murderers. It injects trivial humour and treats the demise of two elderly people as a platform for light drama.

Sick. Sick. Sick! - A dramatic atrocity. Maybe for their next masterpiece they could do a programme mocking and belittling the deaths of road crash victims - or showing all the really fun bits of someone perishing from cancer.
There are so many more opportunities for these programme makers to expand their nauseating repertoire.

Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...