Sunday, October 02, 2022

Allowing The Marxist Left Free Rein Has Consequences.


Becky, the daughter of second-generation immigrants, was instantly labelled racist after she tried to broaden the conversation about Black Lives Matter.

Blogger: I feel physically sick! If these kind of situations are typical - multiculturalism, true Liberalism, fairness and decency no longer exist in the UK. We are victims of the new, left-inspired bigotry.
The word 'racism' now has little to do with persecution of minorities - both real and imagined - but is all about power to: the violent, the mean-spirited, the bitter, the toxic and the evil.
All my life, I have worked for a more just society and all I can now see is new - considerably worse prejudices - initiated by marxists of every hue!
Hatred between races must increase against this sordid backcloth.

That poor lass! Bless her and her family.
