Monday, October 03, 2022

Damnation or Not - YOUR Choice.

 Eclectic Orthodox “When someone who was lost has to be saved, it is not the time for passing judgment or making minute inquiries, but only for mercy and forgiveness”

God-damnation or Self-damnation?

“I am not going to try to prove the doctrine [of hell] tolerable,” writes C. S. Lewis in his book The Problem of Pain. “Let us make no mistake; it is not tolerable. But I think the doctrine can be shown to be moral.” Fr Lawrence Farley agrees. In “The Morality of Gehenna,” he offers an apology for eternal damnation. Making the doctrine “palatable is beyond my power or intention,” he writes, but perhaps it can be shown to be moral and just and thus reconcilable with belief in the love of God … or perhaps not.

As The Tories Sag Into Oblivion, Reform UK Is Building A Real Political Party of The People!