Monday, January 02, 2023

My Prayer For 2023 - Yours Too?

 Pray above all for those millions of atheists who will die in the next 12 months and plunge into a God-less eternity.

Pray for those in cults, religions and belief systems who will perish not knowing the Saviour.
Please pray for the agnostics, the 'vague deists' and the terminally apathetic.
Those of us who have had countless, personal encounters with The Saviour KNOW the truth. Why? - Because we have experienced Him!
No atheist can ever argue from 'a level playing field' with somebody truly born again.
They have opinions: we have knowledge.

I hope most Americans had a Godly Thanksgiving.

7 Thanksgiving controversies: Date change, mentions of God, ‘Day of Mourning’. By  Michael Gryboski , Mainline Church Editor  Thursday, Nove...