Friday, June 30, 2006

Uncontrolled immigration threatens stability.

There is only one Labour MP who is consistently honest at the same time as having his feet planted firmly on the ground - introducing - Frank Field MP. Frank is of course, a practising Christian.

Mr Field urges a proper debate on the issue [immigration] before the BNP exploits it. UK politicians are "living on borrowed time" on immigration, a former Labour minister has said.
Frank Field questioned whether current record levels of migration into Britain were "sustainable".
And he told the BBC News website the UK was in danger of becoming a "global traffic station" for migrant workers.
He urged politicians on all sides to stop ignoring public concern on the issue before the BNP found a leader with the "talent" to exploit it.
The UK is currently receiving the highest number of immigrants in its history, following a surge in migrant workers from new EU member states.

Well said Frank!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Harry Potter - innocent fun?

Well. Is Harry Potter just the 'innocent fun' claimed by JK Rowling's apologists? Our first and best clue is that so many members of the 'liberal church' have come out as being broadly in favour of the "well it's only stories" thinking. Our suspicions should immediately be aroused.
Furthermore, Ms Rowling is alternately described - depending on which newspaper column you read - as being 'an atheist' and/or somebody who practises 'Wicca', so called 'white magic'. Having seen the contents of Book 1 (only) it certainly seems that 'white magic' is put up as the good guy as opposed to 'the dark arts'.
Christians should be aware that there is no 'soft side' to evil.[Deut. 18:10-14]
Are the books a possible lead into such practices? - Undoubtedly. It is of great interest how these books are spoken of as "encouraging children in their reading" by many of the same people who queued up to lambast the 'Narnia' film.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Pastors killed.

Hindu Group RSS slays Christian Pastors!

On May 21, the body of Pastor K. Daniel from Kummarvadi, a village on the outskirts of Hyderabad was found with marks indicating he had suffered from an acid attack. Three days later, another pastor from the outskirts of Hyderabad also went missing. According to a June 6 report from Compass Direct, the body of Pastor Isaac Raju was discovered wrapped in a jute bag behind bushes on June 2. It is reported that police received an anonymous phone call giving the location of Raju's body. It would appear that both men were lured to their deaths by someone asking to meet with them to discuss their availability to conduct a wedding ceremony. An unknown group calling themselves the "Anti-Christian Forum" is claiming responsibility for the attacks. Police have questioned over 150 members of local militant Hindu groups in an effort to find those responsible. A notice has been posted in "The Hindu" newspaper offering a reward for the capture of those responsible for the attacks. Pray that those responsible for these attacks will be found. Pray for peace, comfort and wisdom for other pastors in the area who are facing the possibility of an organized attack against pastors. Pray for their families and co workers.

I make no comment on the above other than to ask why this news was absent from most, if not all, of our daily newspapers. Was it not even worth a headline on Page 7?

This news item comes from 'The Voice of The Martyrs'.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Christians must take a stand.

Derby magistrates, in the guise of District Judge Joanne Alderson, have decided to get tough. 'Who are their targets? Do I hear you ask? Drug dealers? Men of violence? Persistent offenders? - Of course not. No. They have unmasked an even more sinister individual - a frail, 69 year old Christian lady called Miss Josephine Rooney.
This epitome of the anti-social offender; this cocker of snooks; this miserable criminal has failed to pay her Council Tax. I am certain that both my readers will be horrified to see a Christian embrace such depths of evil.
As a former JP I would have had no qualms in jailing such a malefactor BUT for one small fact or two.
She told the city's Magistrates' Court she had to take 'drastic action' because the council had failed in its duty to tackle anti-social behaviour and poor housing conditions in Derby's Hartington Street area.
The street has been dubbed 'Crack Alley' and 1,100 used needles were found there in one weekend alone last month.
This is only a tiny snapshot of the daily degradation heaped onto the many decent residents of this area.

Check out the photograph. Is she just one more of the literally thousands of deliberate bad debtors who have not been imprisoned in Derby in recent years or is she taking a stand for what is right? - I shall let you decide. This is a lady of previous good character who has always paid her bills on time and feels it is her moral duty to do so.
Has she perhaps been jailed becuse she IS a Christian or was it because she has shown up the Council? Perhaps a combination of the two?
When I was a JP, try as I may, I never managed to jail a single, serial fine defaulter nor an abuser of Council tax, largely because of Blair's EU-based, Human Wrongs Act. What are the differences here?
I shall pray for the welfare of this brave, sickly lady as she languishes in New Hall prison alongside REAL criminals and invite others to do the same.
*Late news. Josephine was released after just one day when a 'mystery benefactor' paid the bill. What are the chances that the government or her council were somehow behind this in order to undermine her valiant stand?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Was Jesus a wimp?

El Greco: 'Christ clearing the Temple.'

It is surely a satanic device which portrays Jesus as an ineffectual wimp wearing an indulgent, cheesy grin as He pats passing dogs whilst uttering a sickly "Bless you" at the deserving and undeserving alike. From His enemies it is subtlety; from Christians - usually those of a liberal mindset - it is either a blank refusal to accept the Scriptures or them falling prey to the propaganda. Our Lord is demeaned by this portrayal.
Did He love children, the poor, the sick and those seeking after truth? - Of course, and He displayed non stop compassion. BUT compassion does not turn you into a leering fool who is prepared to overlook sin and stupidity.
How many times does Jesus round on the disciples when they fail to grasp a simple point or when they ignore what He told them? "Why are you so hardhearted?" often translates as "Don't be so thick!"
Consider also the righteous anger when He overturned the Temple tables. Can we really ignore the fact that the disciples were afraid of Him? Read the Gospels and this fact emerges consistently. Jesus was as strong and awesome as you would expect God-in human-form to be.

Let us seek the REAL Jesus, not a dumbed-down version.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Danger at your door!

Cult Headquarters.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult which purports to be Christian but are actually unitarian and deny the Deity of Christ. They carry a special 'Bible' (New World) which has been retranslated until it agrees with their doctrines. They are not afraid to lie to you whilst they prey on the recently bereaved and those too much on the fringes of Christianity to recognise that they are being deceived. In a later Blog I shall outline their extremely worrying and dishonest history.
In the meantime, most Christians are unprepared for tackling these people who have been specially trained like devious salesmen to work under your guard. Nothing they say should ever be taken at face value - words do not necessarily mean the same to them as they do to you.
What can be done? - Learn this ONE thing and do not argue it. Show it to them and keep repeating. They will try to : leave/change the subject/claim to be bringing a 'big gun' who can answer the point and may well tell you an outright lie or invention - these are part of their training.

1]Direct them to Revelation 22 v 13. "I am the Alpha and the Omega. The First and the Last. The Beginning and the End." Ask them who this refers to. [Clearly and undeniably, it is Jesus.]
2]Direct them to Revelation 1 v 8. "I am the Alpha and the Omega", says The Lord God.
3]Point out that JWs claim that Jesus and The Lord God are NOT the same Person. Tell them that if the Watch Tower is so wrong on such a major issue - it should be abandoned.
4] Direct them to the nearest evangelical Church - or preferably your own.

* They have a technique called 'running' whenever they are trapped. Keep working this single point. Do not let them divert you. Keep to the point repeat it and repeat. They usually arrive trained up on a single issue - they do not willingly divert from it as they are usually dupes. I am not being insulting when I say that their cannon fodder are typically very simple folks. Any with even a spark of intellect are rapidly promoted. Be aware that they are often well-meaning and a number are genuine, albeit badly off centre.

*Do remember - "Win arguments - lose souls". It is VERY easy to get irritated (personal experience). Do remember that God still loves even those who work against him as tools of the evil one.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Evolution trashed by polystrate fossils.

The existence of polystrate fossils is the largest single embarrassment for those who follow the evolutionary hypothesis. Think about it. How can a tree stand upright and have its branches gradually covered by '400 million years' worth of geological deposits. Do trees not rot over 400 million years?
John Mackay, (pictured above) the geologist and expert in coal formations, is one of the world's leading experts on polystrate fossils. Note the piece below taken from Creation Research.

*NEW POLYSTRATE TREE FINDS add to our collection of evidence for rapid fossilisation. These vertical fossil trees protruding through many layers were found off the south east coast of the Kingdom of Fife in Scotland, below the median spring tide level, as John Mackay was doing research on coal deposits ofthe region in May. One Anglican clergyman recently told us his Theistic Evolutionist opponents have told him polystrate trees are so rare they can be ignored, yet there are large numbers of polystrate trees at this new site alone.See some of these new finds on Home Page on right and scroll down to Click Here, and help us now with the financial cost of such vital research. (Ref.catastrophism, time, geology)

Keep up the good work John! Science is not the exclusive province of evolutionists which is what they try to make us believe.


Friday, June 23, 2006

Patricia Hewitt's shame.

A late abortion.

Well done to Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt! Now it is clear that live babies are being, to use the current euphemism, 'terminated', she has refused to allow any inquiry into abortion time limits.
To my personal knowledge, babies have survived when born at 20 weeks. She is so anxious not to offend the feminist sisterhood that she is prepared to permit babies to be slaughtered ONE WHOLE MONTH after they are possibly viable outside the body of the mother.

Would it not be morally repugnant for any abortion a month BEFORE this stage, let alone one 2 months later than that point?
Will Christians please stop voting for any politician who goes along with this abomination?

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Double standards.

What have Uganda, Pakistan, Eritrea, India, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Myanmar, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan,Comoros, China, N. Korea, Iraq, Iran and many others all got in common?
Answer. They all systematically persecute practising Christians. This may come either from extremists or the governments themselves.
Remember apartheid in South Africa? A country turned into a global pariah - countless nations refusing to trade with them because of their discrimination.
I have NEVER heard any of the politicians who were so opposed to the old S. Africa demand similar actions where the Church of God is persecuted, have you? Funnily enough, many of those politicians are the ones who now are trying to marginalise Christianity in the Western World.
Hypocrisy? - You bet!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Good morning Sunday

What an annoying piece of multi-faith piffle this programme is. It has a top slot on Radio 2 from 7am until 9am every Sunday. Presented by Don Maclean up until several months ago the new man in the hot seat, Aled Jones, has made no difference to content.
They specialise in interviews with: every religion under the sun, atheists, agnostics,people who have never given spirituality much thought, cults, 'white' witches, people who 'believe in something greater than myself but do not accept organised religion', liberal christians who question all their
beliefs and occasionally,Christians.
Christians pay their licence fees - are we not entitled to some exclusive cover on national radio? - Thought not.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What are they teaching your kids?

Just who is teaching my kids?

You may wonder why many parents are so desperate to remove their children from state to private education and why so many others have decided to withdraw their children from public education altogether - a great many of these are Christians.
The simple answer is that they have grasped that children are being bombarded daily, lesson by lesson, with: political correctness, the downgrading of the Christian Faith, the active promotion of other religions - paradoxically alongside rampant atheism. [This is disguised in the 'multi-faith' approach to RE teaching.]
Their children are taught: the evolutionary hypothesis as empirical fact, that homosexuality is a mere lifestyle choice which is equally valid to heterosexual marriage, that the Bible may not be trusted and that the acquisition of knowledge has little relevance to 'real' education.
It is expected that pupils will: take drugs, indulge in under age sex and commit minor criminal acts - they are then advised on their 'rights' which may well include the exclusion of parents from the knowledge of these practices. Their moral education largely consists of 'do what you feel like' and try to minimise the consequences at the same time as opposing '-isms' and 'being vaguely green' in a non-comprehending kind of way. {'Love your neighbour' seems dramatically advanced by comparison!}
Children are politicised with quasi-Marxist political ideas and pointed towards the leftwing parties. Conservatism is attacked or marginalised. The children are assailed with countless items of extremely expensively produced EU propaganda with never a hint that europhilia is a minority view in this nation.
In most schools they will rub shoulders with children who are confirmed: druggies, criminals and sexual predators. Few are the schools where there are not at least a handful of examples of staff who sleep with children - even when this comes to light, there is no guarantee that they will be sacked, prosecuted and blacklisted for life. Again, the school will customarily conceal this information from the parents.
Children often face bullying and minor extortion. They know that punishments are feeble and many decent children are led astray. The children are expected to be able to stand up to all this. Laughably, I have heard Christian parents insist that thneir children 'will be salt' in the system. No danger that they will sink into self-protecting silence or copy their peers, then?
The moral turpitude of a great many staff is beyond reprehensible. Should the sexually promiscuous, alcoholics, repeat drink drivers and convicted thieves really be kept on in any school? I am sorry but the private life of a teacher does matter. When the evidence is that male homosexuals are between 60 and 100 times more likely to abuse children than their heterosexual counterparts, how can we justify the continuing employment of even those who are models of propriety? The risks are simply too great.
Children are systematically taught that patriotism is wrong; that the UK has no inherent culture and that we should all feel guilty because our nation once had involvement in slavery - never mind that it was our Christians like Wilberforce who were the first in European nations to get this odious practice abolished.
Pupils are taught a distorted view of history. Apparently the British Empire had no redeeming features whatsoever. Let us forget all attempts to: civilise, Christianise, modernise, democratise and bring peace to the dominions. These matters are ignored. Teaching and textbooks contain no balanced view at all.
They are browbeaten with the idea that the only function of education is to 'help us get a good job'. The inherent value of education per se has long been abandoned.
They are taught meaningless subjects by the bucketload - all at the expense of the 'solid gold' subjects. They leave schools with no knowledge of geography - they could no more tell you where Mexico or Peru are than they could fly but they will all be convinced that global warming is a proven fact and has nothing to do with climatological cycles.
They are incapable of learning languages as these require a dedication and commitment to acquiring verb knowledge and vocabulary. They no longer possess these skills.
The amazing thing is how many Christian parents are prepared allow their children anywhere near state schools, nay abandon them into this sinister cauldron. Do they not know or do they simply not care? Maybe you think I exaggerate? Let me tell you that I have met every bit of the above.
Not all schools are like this and some only some of the time but if you knew how bad it really is....

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Ducking the issue? Updated.

Excitement is running through the evolutionary scientist community. A fossilised set of remains of a '110 million year old duck' has been discovered. (Daily Mail - 17/6/06) Miraculously, this had 'webbed feet' which is extremely significant, apparently. Guess what. It looks just like the ducks we have today AND, remarkably, it spent most of its time on water. Like, wow!

Well, if it walks like a modern duck, swims like a modern duck and probably quacked like a modern duck - what conclusions do we reach?

Firstly, if ducks have not evolved in a 110 million years, is it because they simply lack ambition?

Secondly, if they have been static for 110 million years, how much time do evolutionists really require? Remember, even very minor change require aeons of time and the numbers of changes from one creature into another are not measured in thousands but probably hundreds of thousands or more.

Thirdly, let us not forget that these changes allegedly arrive via beneficial mutations. Problem. Virtually all mutations are negative - and just about all claims for positive mutations - of which there are but few - are challenged.

Fourthly, if there are so many mutations taking place - and even evolutionists admit that the vast majority are damaging - and if a creature has to undergo perhaps millions of mutations, the majority of which do harm to it, what bits of this totally wrecked varmint will there be left for the occasional beneficial mutation to be able to work positively on?

Fifthly, does the maths make sense here? Let us assume (generously) that one mutation per million is beneficial. Multiply the time taken by the numbers of changes required to turn a passing reptile into a bird - or duck - multiplied by all the creatures across all the species which would have had to have evolved - each with many thousands of changes. Well. Does it make sense or are the numbers here absurd beyond astronomical?

Finally. Consider how many changes do YOU think it might take for a single celled organism to evolve into a duck. You could not possibly conclude that is mere thousands - be honest!

* When you have no unopposed transitional forms; when any of our modern creatures is found fossilised the differences are less than those between a poodle and a labrador; and when dating methods are totally and utterly unreliable, this is all just one more piece of unscientific rubbish thrust in people's faces as 'proof' of evolution!





***** Recommended. Links:-

1) Atomic dating article.

2) Article by Dr Jonathan Sarfati on the myth of 'beneficial mutations'.

Friday, June 16, 2006

"UKIP is racist" - more leftie lies! The PROOF!

Meet Delroy Young. I hesitate to point out to my more sensitive readers that he is well,
He is also a highly talented individual and UKIP Constituency Chairman. "But, isn't UKIP just BNP in suits?" to quote the wretched Guardian. - Well, no and it never has been. What do you expect other than propaganda from a leftist rag?
UKIP does not and will not play the 'tokenism game' so loved of the 3 major parties and the Greens. His only claim to fame is his ability - he has not been dragged in just because he is 'the right colour'. UKIP believes in 'equality of opportunity' NOT the ridiculous and grossly unfair "equality of outcome". He is not alone in being a black or Asian candidate for UKIP.
By the way, he is tipped in some quarters to be a possible leadership candidate in Autumn - and one who would get my vote.
Incidentally, Delroy recently stood for UKIP's National Executive and was the second of nine candidates elected from 46 who put themselves forward. Only the high profile Nigel Farage managed to pip him topping the entire poll. So apparently, not only is the leadership of UKIP not racist but the rank and file also. I append a recent letter from a UKIP local Chairman in Grimsby published in two newspapers:
Europhiles have been at pains to portray The UK Independence Party (UKIP) as xenophobic or, disgracefully, as racist.The dishonesty of this is breathtaking. Every UKIP candidate has to sign a document saying they have never belonged to any racist group.Secondly, UKIP fields candidates from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.Thirdly, our UKIP MEPs are the group in Brussels with the largest percentage of foreign spouses.Fourthly, UKIP has expelled BNP infiltrators.Fifthly, a number of leading members of the party are black.Finally, after much experience in the party, I have met those who want rigorous immigration controls (and why not?) but I have yet to meet any racists.How very disappointing for Europhiles their slurs against UKIP are as mendacious as their claims for the benefits of the EU.Perhaps this letter will help many people of varied ethnic origins to decide UKIP members are worthy recipients of their future votes. Mrs J Morgan,Greengate Lane, South Killingholme.

'No' to Super Casino.

Eight towns and cities have been targeted as the site for the new super casino.
Congratulations to the Christian Peoples Alliance which is amongst a small number of local opposition groups who say that a Supercasino in Sheffield will attract crime, social and environmental problems, will bring about addiction and increase the number of "problem gamblers" and will drain vast amounts of wealth from the local economy.
No sensible person - Christian or other - can reasonably disagree.
I shall not vote for the CPA however, as I still believe that UKIP is the only small party way forward, it being much larger
and better organised. Even then, its chances of success are minimal. We must 'get real'.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Deeply sinister EU.

I publish this below without comment:

European Threat to Religious Freedom, response to the European Union's proposed Employment DirectiveArticle 4(1) of the directive offers a very limited protection to religious groups. If an organisation can prove that a certain characteristic is a “genuine occupational qualification” it may prefer candidates with that characteristic.

“A Roman Catholic school would probably be allowed to stipulate that a teacher of Religious Education be a practising Roman Catholic, but for all other subjects the school would be acting unlawfully if it refused to employ non Roman Catholics, neo Nazis, atheists, communists, Seventh Day Adventists or practising homosexuals”
Opinion of John Bowers QC and Mark L.R. Mullins

Influence of the liberal Church.

I am categorically opposed to the liberal church in all its forms. Some may argue that if I am not politically liberal (not true - I am a Gladstonian liberal) then it is unlikely that I would favour a liberal attitude in the Church and I can certainly see some logic in that.
The principal reason I oppose the liberal side of Christianity however, is because in most cases, to belong to the liberal church, it is necessary to downgrade the authority of the Scriptures. There is an abundance of evidence that the political and social attitudes displayed are based on the foundation that 'Mankind knows best' and the Bible is used selectively or not at all. Consider the damage done by Bultmanism. Whatever happened to faith?
The worrying thing is that I spent a while surfing the net under different headings two days ago and the proliferation of 'liberal' sites was scary. Under general Christian headings rather than specifically evangelical ones the liberal sites were there by the shedload.'Real' Christianity was outnumbered.

This typically leftwing, multifaith, multicultural trend is undermining Christianity by taking a 'Love your neighbour' attitude and God is welcome to enter the equation but only provided that He meets the criteria imposed upon Him by these infidels.
Sadly, even the 'Love your neighbour' seems to have been reduced to following outmoded socialistic principles which in practice, hardly help anybody's neighbour at all!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

'Social muddle.'

According to the A of C, marriage has become a 'social muddle'. Sorry C of E, this is too little and decades too late.
Finally, it seems that a little something is being said as was proved in Doc Williams' interview with the Sunday Times.
The so-called 'national Church' should be getting off its rear and denouncing these politicians from every pulpit instead of wallowing in unscriptural, politically correct nonsense. Let us not hear this once great Church murmur and bleat - let us hear it proclaim the Word of God , nay bellow it, from every rooftop and if the left don't like it - tough, I would. So that's alright, then!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Cardinals and abortion.

Cardinal Cormack Murphy-O'Connor is calling for several weeks to be shaved off the abortion limit - and credit to him for that. Surely, abortion is both a sin and a crime against the unborn which, unlike all others, is on a sliding scale. As every day of a pregnancy goes by, the horror becomes greater. The last figures I saw spoke of nigh on 200,ooo abortions annually and with 3,000 of these as 'late-term' abortions, which pretty much means, killing a child capable of being born and surviving, often for no more than cosmetic reasons: hare lip, club foot etc.This limit MUST be pushed back to under 12 weeks, which is I believe, when medically, the embryo becomes a foetus. Unfortunately, this is misleading as a heartbeat has been detectable for many weeks before this.The baby killers - why mince words? - brought us to this point by 'thin-end-of-the-wedge' tactics. Time for us to use the same methods.This is the same Cardinal ignored by the Catholic electorate when he asked them not to vote Labour over the abortion issue.

The latest abomination is the possible extension of research done on embryos so that all males can be destroyed if there is a family history of autism. If I have to explain that this is an abuse of life to anybody and that this is horrendous , there must be something fundamentally wrong with their moral development. We are in desperate need of a return to the scriptures and an understanding of what SIN is all about.

Monday, June 12, 2006

BNP is secular.

The BNP target people who have stood for elected office. On two occasions therefore, they have sent me their literature - the most recent would have led the casual reader to believe that they were a persecuted Christian group!
Please remember that the BNP is a secular party and could not reasonably be linked to what is called the 'Christian Right' in the USA.
Some will consider this site rightwing because it stands up for the Gospel and what it says. It would not have been considered thus by even the Labour Party of fifty years ago. The goalposts have moved. The site's title is as it is because I currently consider the left more threatening to the Gospel than the right. I do not like objective extremes. I do not consider being anti abortion, for one example, makes me rightwing. However - if that is the label used - so be it.

Link to Christian Voice
I have been asked for the evidence of the Cooperative Bank attitude so please check this important link.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Some Tory hope?

The rightwing Cornerstone group of Conservatives is standing up for 'Faith, Flag and Family' in the Tory party. Tremendous to see, but I sincerely doubt that this is an evangelical movement but rather a group holding onto mere traditions for their own sake.
The jury is still out but they form only a very small part of their party. Watch this space!

John Hayes MP.

Messrs Blair and Bush.

We are constantly assailed with the alleged Christianity of these two gentlemen. It is not for me to be judgemental about the spiritual state of another, but I am entitled to 'look at their fruits'.
Mr Bush is proclaimed as an evangelical believer yet photos abound across the Internet of him holding up a hand towards varied audiences with middle fingers towards the palm, thumb and little finger extended - the devil's sign, "El diablo". I must in fairness state that Mr Bush claims this to be the gesture of a Texan sports team but it still concerns me!
Apparently, Mr Bush was/is a member of the sordid Skull and Bones Society from Yale. He also attends worship sessions of the Owl God at the Bohemian Grove resort for the high, mighty and depraved as seemingly proved by film maker Alex Cox.
Mr Blair 'wears his Christianity on his sleeve' yet does he make this show when there are anti Christian policies put in place by his government?
Which are their other secret societies? - Well......... Look at this:-

"Mr. Christopher Gill MP: To ask the Prime Minister which members of his Government have attended meetings of the Bilderberg Group. [34298]
The Prime Minister [holding answer 16 March 1998]: None. "
Might the PM have forgotten the trip? No, this reply is misleading. Blair attended the 1993 Bilderberg Conference in Athens. He even belatedly declared it in the register of members' interests. His presence was reported in, to take just one source, The London Times, 4th March 1996, page 16 in an article entitled Wall Street, treason and Pat Buchanan by William Rees-Mogg, who attended Bilderberg 1993 in Athens too.

Frequent claims are made across the net that Mr Blair is a freemason. I cannot vouch for their veracity although I personally believe these to be true.

"By their fruits ye shall know them'. Matthew 7:16.

Our problem is that today, so many other world leaders AND those waiting in the wings belong to anti democratic and almost always, anti Christian secret societies.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Scottish parliamentary scandal!

I know that Christmas is a long way off but it is worth remembering at all times of the year that the Scottish Parliament, dominated by Labour, Lib Dem and SNP, banned Nativity scenes on its Christmas cards. I don't know about Brum - but I can guess.

Striking a chord?

I received some good news from my youngest son this week. Apparently, one of his friends who, after reading 'The Unassuming Assassin' had announced to me that he had 'issues' with the novel has admitted that the book has made him consider becoming a Christian.
It was always intended as an exercise in 'subversive Christianity'. If nothing else, it is 'seeds sown'.

Order through Amazon!

Dump the Old Testament.

We have it on good authority that the Old Testament must not be referred to in any way by people who work in schools. Apparently, it is 'out of date' according to Norfolk County Council.
We used to live in a Christian democracy.

Friday, June 09, 2006

The new morality.

Gratuitously provocative piano leg.

The great thing about the Victorian Age wasn't 'the wrapping of piano legs' in case they 'turned the heads of easily-led young men with their voluptuousness' but rather the way society leapt forward so incredibly fast. Social care; public medicine; education; penology; housing and much much more moved forward at breakneck pace largely motivated by the Christian Faith; the motivator which helped society, of all classes, to move forward with shared goals.
Consider our society. Where are the 'shared goals'? - They do not exist.
The new morality is to'have your own philosophy'. 'If it itches, scratch it'. 'Do your own thing'. It is all about hedonism. The great irony however, is that the godless, liberal left combines this damaging individualism with their miserable love affair with centralisation, collectivisation and state control. The two ideas are of course, totally incompatible - yet the liberal left seem incapable of recognising it. You don't have individuals in an ant colony!
The freedoms which matter are being eroded by our own government hand in hand with the wretched EU, whereas licence to act in degrading sexual, drunken, anti-social or criminal ways are protected.
* By the way. Those piano legs - purest leftie fiction. My Grandma had those covers on her piano. Like to guess why? - Obviously enough, it was to protect from scratches and scuff marks. Still - never let the truth get in the way of a good piece of leftie propaganda.
Little wonder the left hate the Victorians. They were fairminded, dynamic, moral and Christian.
What do your leftie historians do? - They ignore all the good - and particularly the Christian base. They then spend chapters trying to prove hypocrisy. I am sorry but these people were HUMANS and we are all hypocrites - including those self same historians!
READ Gertrude Himmelfarb on this matter.


Christian burials

If there are too many more politically correct authorities who do as Torquay did in banning the cross and the word chapel from where funerals are held at the local crematorium, we have to act.
There are hosts of authorities who are desperate to channel the deceased into crematoria because burial grounds are so few and those which do exist tend to be full.
Those who can afford the extra should insist on a Christian burial. It would not take too long before these leftist ne'er-do-wells had to rethink their disgusting policies. By dying we would, slowly but surely, not only embarrass them, but force them to go the route of 'more interments' and I promise you, they would hate it!
Incidentally, in Torquay the crematorium has been renamed the 'Memorial Hall' - it could be North Korea! By the way - I am also boycotting it for any future holidays.
IMPORTANT. This blog does not recommend that Christians die before their allotted span just to put one over on the jolly lads down at Torbay. This is long term not short term advice and only for those Councils who deserve it!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Political Correctness Swindon-style.

Naked fire engine without St George's flag.

I see that the Fire Brigade big noise in Swindon Wilts has banned the flying of any Christian symbols - such as the St George's Flag on fire engines.
Good on the bloke. I am sure that we shall all be in agreement that these flags are a major Health and Safety sorry... I meant hazard.

Update 29/6/06. Hampshire Fire Brigade has joined the (non) party!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Use a long spoon!

"He who eats with the devil should sup with a long spoon" as the old saying has it.
Sometimes Christians have to deal with secular organisations - that is clearly ok. But there is a fine line to be drawn as to when Christians should withdraw, particularly from political groupings, if that organisation is institutionally opposed to Christianity.
The term 'social justice' once had a meaning which resonated with Christians. Today it means any leftie agenda whatsoever. The left today despise Christianity. Shame on those who try to keep a foot in both camps.
Consider moral issues then ask how any Christians can ever allow themselves to vote for Labour, Green or Lib Dems any longer, let alone be party members. The argument of 'making changes from within' only works to the most limited of extents and yes, I am aware that the Tories are pretty dreadful too.

Turning in his grave?

Henri Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross, is probably spinning in his grave. This Christian man founded a great organisation which has now been hi-jacked by the political left.
It was only the threat of millions of dollars of support being withdrawn by the American Red Cross which stopped their attempts to withdraw the Christian symbol of the Cross.
Instead, they have put in place a cross as just one of three symbols - one of which is a Moslem crescent.
To be fair, they do work closely with the islamic Red Crescent which is a similar style of charity but I cannot see The RC putting a Christian Cross on an equal basis with their symbol - and yes , I am aware that both symbols are side by side when there are joint operations.
Sorry guys - I now support any aid organisation but yours and I boycott your charity shops too!

Non cooperative.

The Cooperative Society had its Rochdale roots deeply implanted in socialist-methodism. That which today we call the Cooperative Bank would have horrified these good people as it refuses to give banking facilities to Christian groups.
I do not know the answer to my next question - although I could perhaps hazard a guess - "Do they refuse facilities to Moslem groups?"

Boycott Stirling University?

Stirling University has ordered that 6,000 Gideon Bibles for students should be removed.
Write to them. Complain. Boycott. If you live there, organise a protest march.
Ask a simple question - "How many copies of the Koran are they also insisting be removed?"

Who moved the stone?

When atheistic lawyer Frank Morison decided to put the resurrection of Christ to 'trial' he expected that the evidence would work against Jesus.
After putting it all together, he realised that the 'defence' had won hands down and he had to give up and become a Christian. He wrote the book mentioned in the title.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Do-gooders don't 'do good!'

I have some sympathy for 'do-gooders'. Most of the time they are kind, generous, socially-minded members of society. For some reason, tragically, they have developed a belief that the rest of the world is as responsible as they are, or could be if educated. Sadly, they are seriously mistaken.
They are incapable of recognising that a large percentage of fellow human beings are: mean-spirited, nasty, parasitical, criminal and utterly self-centred - and at every level of society.
By failing to recognise this and by pressing society to embrace their views, they have proved socially dangerous and extremely damaging.
We need a traditional Christian view instead which recognises man as fundamentally sinful and flawed but who, with repentance can find his true worth.

Unfortunately, most people are happy to maintain their lifestyle choices and do not want to change - let's admit the truth.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Multi-faith evil

Witchcraft symbol used by multi-faith groups.

If ever there was a diabolical invention, it is this. Multi-faith is an exercise in diseased logic.
Do you believe that 'all roads lead to Rome'? Sure?
Then how can anybody sane possibly believe that 'opposite roads lead to God'. I could use a rude word here but will resist the temptation!
It goes against the Word of God and NO Christian should have anything to do with it. I am NOT saying that we must not respect people from other faiths and get along with them but we cannot respect their religions - only their inbuilt right to be wrong in a democratic society.
Either all religions are false OR just one is true. That is the only logic which works and a 'prizes-for-all' mindset helps nobody.
The watered down version is of course, 'we can derive insights from all religions.' Not as obviously illogical, it is nonetheless, just as insidious.
The claims of Judaeo-Christianity stand head and shoulders above all others.

Test it!

Christianity is not an opinion. It is not one religion among many - it is the only way. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Its claims are phenomenal but there are two problems. The first is that believers do not 'sell' their faith, or in other words, evangelise as The Great Commission requires them to do. The second is that the majority of the world population is so spiritually dead that they do not even recognise that they are hurtling towards a Godless eternity.
The first problem bears directly onto the second. Christians must not be ashamed to proclaim, and loudly, what they are. Why the embarrassment? Do they not really believe that there is a heaven and a hell? Or do they not care? Perhaps they have too much 'respect' for the mistaken beliefs of others?
The difference between Christianity and the rest is that there is an empirical test, or rather - a promise. "Seek and you will find." It's true. I've been there and done it! You can add "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

Thursday, June 01, 2006

'The Unassuming Assassin'

Good news that 'The Unassuming Assassin' is selling steadily. I met a non-Christian friend who read it while on holiday and he was deeply affected by it. He hinted it was the best book he had ever read (needs to get out more) and said he is going to re-read it asap.
Well. He now knows what the Gospel is - and he didn't before!

Order through Amazon!
