Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What are they teaching your kids?

Just who is teaching my kids?

You may wonder why many parents are so desperate to remove their children from state to private education and why so many others have decided to withdraw their children from public education altogether - a great many of these are Christians.
The simple answer is that they have grasped that children are being bombarded daily, lesson by lesson, with: political correctness, the downgrading of the Christian Faith, the active promotion of other religions - paradoxically alongside rampant atheism. [This is disguised in the 'multi-faith' approach to RE teaching.]
Their children are taught: the evolutionary hypothesis as empirical fact, that homosexuality is a mere lifestyle choice which is equally valid to heterosexual marriage, that the Bible may not be trusted and that the acquisition of knowledge has little relevance to 'real' education.
It is expected that pupils will: take drugs, indulge in under age sex and commit minor criminal acts - they are then advised on their 'rights' which may well include the exclusion of parents from the knowledge of these practices. Their moral education largely consists of 'do what you feel like' and try to minimise the consequences at the same time as opposing '-isms' and 'being vaguely green' in a non-comprehending kind of way. {'Love your neighbour' seems dramatically advanced by comparison!}
Children are politicised with quasi-Marxist political ideas and pointed towards the leftwing parties. Conservatism is attacked or marginalised. The children are assailed with countless items of extremely expensively produced EU propaganda with never a hint that europhilia is a minority view in this nation.
In most schools they will rub shoulders with children who are confirmed: druggies, criminals and sexual predators. Few are the schools where there are not at least a handful of examples of staff who sleep with children - even when this comes to light, there is no guarantee that they will be sacked, prosecuted and blacklisted for life. Again, the school will customarily conceal this information from the parents.
Children often face bullying and minor extortion. They know that punishments are feeble and many decent children are led astray. The children are expected to be able to stand up to all this. Laughably, I have heard Christian parents insist that thneir children 'will be salt' in the system. No danger that they will sink into self-protecting silence or copy their peers, then?
The moral turpitude of a great many staff is beyond reprehensible. Should the sexually promiscuous, alcoholics, repeat drink drivers and convicted thieves really be kept on in any school? I am sorry but the private life of a teacher does matter. When the evidence is that male homosexuals are between 60 and 100 times more likely to abuse children than their heterosexual counterparts, how can we justify the continuing employment of even those who are models of propriety? The risks are simply too great.
Children are systematically taught that patriotism is wrong; that the UK has no inherent culture and that we should all feel guilty because our nation once had involvement in slavery - never mind that it was our Christians like Wilberforce who were the first in European nations to get this odious practice abolished.
Pupils are taught a distorted view of history. Apparently the British Empire had no redeeming features whatsoever. Let us forget all attempts to: civilise, Christianise, modernise, democratise and bring peace to the dominions. These matters are ignored. Teaching and textbooks contain no balanced view at all.
They are browbeaten with the idea that the only function of education is to 'help us get a good job'. The inherent value of education per se has long been abandoned.
They are taught meaningless subjects by the bucketload - all at the expense of the 'solid gold' subjects. They leave schools with no knowledge of geography - they could no more tell you where Mexico or Peru are than they could fly but they will all be convinced that global warming is a proven fact and has nothing to do with climatological cycles.
They are incapable of learning languages as these require a dedication and commitment to acquiring verb knowledge and vocabulary. They no longer possess these skills.
The amazing thing is how many Christian parents are prepared allow their children anywhere near state schools, nay abandon them into this sinister cauldron. Do they not know or do they simply not care? Maybe you think I exaggerate? Let me tell you that I have met every bit of the above.
Not all schools are like this and some only some of the time but if you knew how bad it really is....

Learning From Joseph.
