Friday, June 09, 2006

Christian burials

If there are too many more politically correct authorities who do as Torquay did in banning the cross and the word chapel from where funerals are held at the local crematorium, we have to act.
There are hosts of authorities who are desperate to channel the deceased into crematoria because burial grounds are so few and those which do exist tend to be full.
Those who can afford the extra should insist on a Christian burial. It would not take too long before these leftist ne'er-do-wells had to rethink their disgusting policies. By dying we would, slowly but surely, not only embarrass them, but force them to go the route of 'more interments' and I promise you, they would hate it!
Incidentally, in Torquay the crematorium has been renamed the 'Memorial Hall' - it could be North Korea! By the way - I am also boycotting it for any future holidays.
IMPORTANT. This blog does not recommend that Christians die before their allotted span just to put one over on the jolly lads down at Torbay. This is long term not short term advice and only for those Councils who deserve it!

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