Sunday, June 25, 2006

Danger at your door!

Cult Headquarters.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult which purports to be Christian but are actually unitarian and deny the Deity of Christ. They carry a special 'Bible' (New World) which has been retranslated until it agrees with their doctrines. They are not afraid to lie to you whilst they prey on the recently bereaved and those too much on the fringes of Christianity to recognise that they are being deceived. In a later Blog I shall outline their extremely worrying and dishonest history.
In the meantime, most Christians are unprepared for tackling these people who have been specially trained like devious salesmen to work under your guard. Nothing they say should ever be taken at face value - words do not necessarily mean the same to them as they do to you.
What can be done? - Learn this ONE thing and do not argue it. Show it to them and keep repeating. They will try to : leave/change the subject/claim to be bringing a 'big gun' who can answer the point and may well tell you an outright lie or invention - these are part of their training.

1]Direct them to Revelation 22 v 13. "I am the Alpha and the Omega. The First and the Last. The Beginning and the End." Ask them who this refers to. [Clearly and undeniably, it is Jesus.]
2]Direct them to Revelation 1 v 8. "I am the Alpha and the Omega", says The Lord God.
3]Point out that JWs claim that Jesus and The Lord God are NOT the same Person. Tell them that if the Watch Tower is so wrong on such a major issue - it should be abandoned.
4] Direct them to the nearest evangelical Church - or preferably your own.

* They have a technique called 'running' whenever they are trapped. Keep working this single point. Do not let them divert you. Keep to the point repeat it and repeat. They usually arrive trained up on a single issue - they do not willingly divert from it as they are usually dupes. I am not being insulting when I say that their cannon fodder are typically very simple folks. Any with even a spark of intellect are rapidly promoted. Be aware that they are often well-meaning and a number are genuine, albeit badly off centre.

*Do remember - "Win arguments - lose souls". It is VERY easy to get irritated (personal experience). Do remember that God still loves even those who work against him as tools of the evil one.

Learning From Joseph.