Thursday, June 29, 2006

Harry Potter - innocent fun?

Well. Is Harry Potter just the 'innocent fun' claimed by JK Rowling's apologists? Our first and best clue is that so many members of the 'liberal church' have come out as being broadly in favour of the "well it's only stories" thinking. Our suspicions should immediately be aroused.
Furthermore, Ms Rowling is alternately described - depending on which newspaper column you read - as being 'an atheist' and/or somebody who practises 'Wicca', so called 'white magic'. Having seen the contents of Book 1 (only) it certainly seems that 'white magic' is put up as the good guy as opposed to 'the dark arts'.
Christians should be aware that there is no 'soft side' to evil.[Deut. 18:10-14]
Are the books a possible lead into such practices? - Undoubtedly. It is of great interest how these books are spoken of as "encouraging children in their reading" by many of the same people who queued up to lambast the 'Narnia' film.

Learning From Joseph.