Saturday, June 03, 2006

Multi-faith evil

Witchcraft symbol used by multi-faith groups.

If ever there was a diabolical invention, it is this. Multi-faith is an exercise in diseased logic.
Do you believe that 'all roads lead to Rome'? Sure?
Then how can anybody sane possibly believe that 'opposite roads lead to God'. I could use a rude word here but will resist the temptation!
It goes against the Word of God and NO Christian should have anything to do with it. I am NOT saying that we must not respect people from other faiths and get along with them but we cannot respect their religions - only their inbuilt right to be wrong in a democratic society.
Either all religions are false OR just one is true. That is the only logic which works and a 'prizes-for-all' mindset helps nobody.
The watered down version is of course, 'we can derive insights from all religions.' Not as obviously illogical, it is nonetheless, just as insidious.
The claims of Judaeo-Christianity stand head and shoulders above all others.

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