Saturday, June 24, 2006

Evolution trashed by polystrate fossils.

The existence of polystrate fossils is the largest single embarrassment for those who follow the evolutionary hypothesis. Think about it. How can a tree stand upright and have its branches gradually covered by '400 million years' worth of geological deposits. Do trees not rot over 400 million years?
John Mackay, (pictured above) the geologist and expert in coal formations, is one of the world's leading experts on polystrate fossils. Note the piece below taken from Creation Research.

*NEW POLYSTRATE TREE FINDS add to our collection of evidence for rapid fossilisation. These vertical fossil trees protruding through many layers were found off the south east coast of the Kingdom of Fife in Scotland, below the median spring tide level, as John Mackay was doing research on coal deposits ofthe region in May. One Anglican clergyman recently told us his Theistic Evolutionist opponents have told him polystrate trees are so rare they can be ignored, yet there are large numbers of polystrate trees at this new site alone.See some of these new finds on Home Page on right and scroll down to Click Here, and help us now with the financial cost of such vital research. (Ref.catastrophism, time, geology)

Keep up the good work John! Science is not the exclusive province of evolutionists which is what they try to make us believe.


Learning From Joseph.