Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fruit n veg.
This time it is the supermarkets playing games as supply and demand is far from the issue. What many people do not know when this excuse is trotted out at the first sign of a poor harvest is that there are almost always longterm contracts in place with suppliers and it is they who feel the pinch and not the supermarkets who are simply taking advantage.
Add this to all the other costs which have risen by more than 4.6%!
Dear Gordon, thanks for your honesty - or whatever it is.
Monday, September 29, 2008
They are allowed to leave the secure psychiatric hospital and travel on public transport to malls packed with unsuspecting families.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Right or left?
As crass as ever.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
There are none so blind ......
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tony Blair Faith foundation.
That there should be peace and communication between different religions and indeed, the hand of friendship, is perfectly acceptable and arguably desirable but joint services and the aforementioned non sequitur are an abomination.
Logic dictates that either ALL religions are wrong OR just one is correct. Using deist belief as a common denominator is simply dishonest, grotesque and simplistic.
Possibly your last chance this month!
Peter the Painter.
Known as Peter the Painter, he and his gang narrowly missed killing the government minister who attended - one Winston Spencer Churchill.
Two of the murderers were killed during the siege but Peter the Painter escaped.
[Some revisionist historians claim that he never existed or if he did, he wasn't at the scene in the first place!]
The truth about this is not the point, however. People for nigh on a hundred years have associated this name with the brutal and notorious incident.
Guess what. Tower Hamlets Council has decided to name not one but several buildings in his honour!
Only leftwing councils ever do things which are so utterly crass.
I wonder. Will The Guardian carry this story? And if they do, what is the betting that these actions will be justified in some sick manner?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
You cannot afford not to be scared.
Thus was Hitler enabled, completely legally, to take absolute power in Germany - and of course once this was done, the Constitution was ditched - and the rest, as they say, is history!
Blair's Civil Contingencies Act is our mirror image of Adolf's successful ploy. Clause 22 (3): "Emergency regulations may make provision of any kind that could be made by an Act of Parliament or by exercise of the Royal Prerogative."; and may (clause 22, 3 j) and may disapply or modify an enactment or a provision made under or by virtue of an enactment." November 2004.
Watch this be used, not only to curtail civil liberties but also to facilitate further sellout to Brussels.
Please feel free to think that either 'it doesn't really matter' or 'our politicians aren't as unpleasant as the Nazis were, they would never .... '. But do please remember that ALL powers granted WILL be used when it suits somebody's purposes to do so.
Thanks Jane.
The Anglican decline heading for freefall?
Revd Jim Cotter defied the Anglican Communion’s official guidelines by conducting the ceremony at his church in North Wales in July. He described the event as a “day of great delight and healing”.
Source: The Christian Institute.
Photo is of the Archbishop.
Okay. 5 out of 10 for the Archbishop of Wales. But if this is not a sacking offence, then what is?
It is a mockery; a veritable travesty; heresy and apostasy combined.
It is time for big churches to stand up and be counted. No small church could possibly have the clout to undertake the confrontation - the Anglican giant MUST use its size and funds to fight this battle against bad legislation and lost personal freedoms.
Tragically, the Anglican Church is so riven with divisions on this destructive issue - and with a sell-out merchant in charge at Canterbury - there is no prospect of this happening.
I wonder if Rome would take on this battle? - Frankly, I doubt it.
Ashley Mote - again.
Ashley Mote MEP, definitely making amends for his somewhat chequered past.
Wisdom, indeed.
"Each time it evolves anew, democracy will survive only until the voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public purse."
And what is Labour's basic tactic to get elected? - Yes. To distribute largesse to potential voters with no thought to social consequences. Tragically, the other two main parties seem to be attached to the same mindset.
We live in a dying society, a moribund democracy and an administrative system which is atrophying.
Where are the politicians to attempt to halt the slide - and if they should appear, will an ovine and self-serving electorate vote for them?
Firstly, the cabinet became hogtied on planning the new generation of nuclear energy because of a luddite mentality on the left of the party.
Secondly, they have fallen for EU directives which state that impossible amounts of energy must come from 'renewable sources' by 2020. So we have Brown quixotically earmarking a mere £100 billion to put up some unsightly, grossly inefficient and non cost effective windmills. [See frequent, detailed postings on this issue.]
Thirdly,the government - in the same way as its predecessor - has allowed the EU to dictate selloffs which mean that control of our energy has been relinquished to foreign nations to either blackmail us politically or who will charge the British consumer impossible amounts for basic energy.
The sale of our nuclear industry to EDF - the French giant - is worrying in the extreme.
There is an alternative and more sinister view than the one I have just outlined. There are those - and I am one of them - who believe that this is a deliberate sellout policy by europhile politicians, assorted traitors and other quislings to make us dependent on the EU for energy in addition to the basic foodstuffs which we are now also unable to produce ourselves.
Once again, I suppose, this makes me a conspiracy theorist. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Please always carry one!
The rather specious argument goes, 'It is the only way to deal with falling populations in the future'. Add this to our own government limply claiming that 'immigrants are needed to do the jobs our own people won't do' and you have the full picture!
Never mind the schools with over 20 different first languages amongst pupils; the new ghettos; the crime from unemployed immigrants which I have witnessed first hand in the courts.
Let us forget the pressures on health, housing and social services not to mention the debunking of preposterous government claims that there has been a net financial gain.
How can we avoid the point that every immigrant with a job has displaced a job vacancy? And every immigrant without a job ..... ?
Until recently when the argument became totally absurd, many leftists have tried to make the dubious claim that there are more people leaving than arriving.
Now that we are demonstrably the most crowded place in Europe, perhaps we may also point out that the figures to which they refer are largely retired people who have retired abroad - taking their money with them - often to escape the dreadful place that this country has now become! The irony is not lost on me.
Secondly, the brain drain continues!
All of this before we look at the cultural damage being perpetrated against the people of this nation exacerbated by never ending multifaith and multicultural supporters who constantly deny the need for integration like the pie-in-the-sky buffoons they truly are.
Shameless propaganda.
EU corruption - yeah. Okay. Yawn!
One small problem though is the national reporting. Dan Hannan MEP points out that EIGHT of our national newspapers did not consider this story worthy of a single mention! I have certainly not heard it on any radio news or TV item - but of course, I cannot monitor them all.
TEST. Did YOU know about all of this dear reader? It is hardly your fault if you did not!
Is EU-corruption now so common that it is no longer newsworthy? Something here SMELLS.
Or am I a conspiracy theorist for being so deeply suspicious?
Apocryphal? - It might just be true!
The Palestinian representative to the UN jumped up furiously and shouted, "What are you talking about? The Palestinians weren't even there then." The Israeli representative smiled and said "And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech."
Thanks, Stan.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Let's hear it for the old and creaking NHS.
I wonder if Alfie Morland might have survived if he had lived in France, for example, where care levels are so superior to our own - but of course the French are not wedded to some outmoded, socialist ideal about how healthcare must be delivered.
Another chance.
You are bonkers, Darling.
He has recently insisted it was necessary to 'let borrowing rise to support the economy'. Oh dear!
All Labour's chickens are coming home to roost - again. We've seen this all before - you tax 'until the pips squeak' in the immortal words of former Chancellor Denis Healey and this is the chaos you get into. Undoing this mess will take decades. How long before this government starts 'printing money' like the Wilson and Callaghan administrations did? Get ready for hyper inflation when they do!
Brown's 'prudence' as Chancellor was praised by the left but this is all you are going to get. Economies cannot be run by wishful thinking coupled to lavish spending.
"It's all very well to criticise - but what would YOU do?" - some may say.
1] A flat tax system - take millions out of tax altogether which also will reduce the bureaucracy which surrounds the benefits system.
2] Trim out the useless jobs and overmanning in the public sector with the main target being the non-productive, bureaucratic levels. There has to be increases in staff who work at 'the sharp end.'
3] A full investigation of every QUANGO to determine value and worth and a ruthless axe to be wielded - this alone could raise tens of billions annually.
4] Withdrawal to associate status with the European Union.
5] Cut red tape on business - point 4 would help with this.
6] Same week deportation of all illegal immigrants.
7] A lifetime limit on unemployment benefits - maybe two years in a working lifetime. Certain US states have tried this most successfully.
That would give us all a pretty good start.
Monday, September 22, 2008
He has been at the centre of all Labour's policy-making decisions for a number of years.
If Labour swap - all it means is that we get more of the same - but prettier.
That should shave a couple of points off the massive Tory lead!
My letter published on Teletext, 20/9/08.
She certainly could do with a fresh hair do, a touch of lipstick maybe - and if time permits, then a full makeover.
Her complexion leaves a bit to be desired but remember that this is effectively an artist's impression.
Er, let's not beat about the bush she is the spitting image of a woman who lives just around the corner from me and regularly catches the 52 bus.
Never forget that evolutionist scientists are desperate to be able to portray 'lesser' human beings in order to fit in with and validate their rather silly hypotheses.
Why not ban Christmas altogether?
The college's new calendar shows that both of the traditional holiday periods have now been re-branded as 'end of term breaks'.
Critics have complained that the decision by Yorkshire Coast College is nothing more than 'political correctness'.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
God will not be mocked.
The parable shows that God will not be all tolerant to those who ignore the many chances on offer.
There is no difference between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New.
Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, dispersals - NO - He will not be mocked.
The present state of the Anglican - and other liberal churches - concerns me greatly and the people who mock God's Word and reinterpret it seem to grasp neither the irony, nor the moral dishonesty, nor the danger.
When myth becomes reality.
Hmm. So if that 'myth' is repeated across some 200 cultures and varying stories - I wonder if that might possibly strengthen the original truth behind it all?
To find out what I am talking about - refer to the link!
Well. Impressive, eh? - Of course, what the anthropologists et al say as being normally the case is not considered applicable by many so called scientists when considering this particular issue. Excuses must be found.
A tad selective, what?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Money well spent.
Up to 150 criminally insane patients are paid at least £84.50 a week incapacity benefit.
Some would even be eligible for top-up payments of up to £17.75 a week, depending on their age.
The payments mean killers or rapists will be paid almost as much as a typical single old age pensioner who receives £92 a week.
Some of those claiming the benefit are housed at the Broadmoor maximum-security hospital in Berkshire. ‘It’s a scandal,’ a source there said.
One patient had saved more than £12,000."
Please DIE!
As somebody who is a genuine fence-sitter on the issue of euthanasia it is people like the noble lady who make me wonder if legislation could ever be introduced to help the terminally ill at the very end of life - it is real 'thin end of the wedge' stuff. Too dangerous, perhaps? The abuses would run riot as they have done with that other sick joke, The 1968 Abortion Act.
I have never got over the point that so many of the pragmatists who are willing to butcher children in the womb and knock off the elderly on grounds of mere inconvenience are so very frequently the self same bods who claim that executing violent murderers is both immoral and barbaric.
I just do not get it!
Rabid Rowling.
The Campaign for real Christmas cards.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thanks due to John.
You point out that 'unity is a good thing'.
Shame you never grasped that concept when you had a measure of power in your once great party as regarded the fate of our nation.
How we shall miss your verbal diahorrea, simplistic thinking and ability to serve a cocktail on a moving deck.
How we shall miss your sexual pecadillos, your incessant gaffes and your gift for putting your foot in your mouth.
Isn't it ironic though that Labour doesn't get into difficulties til after you've gone.
Now there is a thought. Perhaps it was you holding Labour together. Perhaps you could replace Gordon.
Ah, sorry John. I'd forgotten - you punch people when you do not recognise irony!
The Campaign For Real Quiz Shows.
My what?????
I shall not play this game on forms and will always cross out the abominations mentioned and shall write in the correct word.
We are the ones with the proper, moral, Christian, society-building, life-affirming relationship and have no desire whatsoever to protect the finer feelings and sensitivities of cohabitees on grounds of political correctness.
[35 years last Monday!]
Shame on me.
I do not always wear a tie to work and yes, I wear a baseball cap when out and about.
When I think that my Grandfather and my Dad would invariably wear a jacket and tie just for going shopping, I sometimes feel that I am letting the side down somewhat. {No. That's not me in the photo!]
Brown the deeply sinister.
It would appear that Brown has been instrumental in ensuring that Scottish jobs will be not be lost as the stupid-lambs-led-to-the-slaughter English are sufficiently docile to take the Scottish share of losses in addition to their own!
Now we shall find out if the Trade Unions and Professional Associations ever fight battles of true worth.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Nick Clegg is on the ball.
Had it not been for Nick Clegg - a guy who is truly up to date and involves himself much more with OAPs than I do - I would never have known how desperate things have got.
I wonder if advocating a 50% rise for all pensioners living on this derisory level could be achieved?
What the heck! Go for it, Lib Dems! Why not campaign on the slogan
'Pensions of £45 per week for every oldster!'
It would certainly attract attention and win votes - but I am not quite sure who for!
Just a thought.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Not a joke - honestly!
The number of people crammed in has overtaken those in Holland, long the most densely-populated major nation on the continent.
A count released to MPs showed England now has 395 people per square kilometre.
Crowding has increased because of high immigration into England while the Dutch population has fallen or remained steady.
Power: something to think about.
Right, but wish I hadn't been.
I do hope that this does not sound too arrogant because it was no great feat - all I had against me was Gordon Brown himself and the entire Labour movement.
Since this apology for a government was elected to power by the shallow, easily gulled and terminally simple back in 1997 - I have been unequivocally stating that Gordon Brown was a dreadful Chancellor. I have little in depth knowledge of economics which puts me around four levels higher than this hapless fraud.
Whilst I pointed out the wretched man's countless shortcomings, ovine Labour activists lauded him as some wondrous, fiscal genius.
Sorry - sounding a tad conceited here, I know, but JUST WHO WAS RIGHT THEN?
It is no use pretending that the Peter Principle kicked in when he got into Number 10. He is poor in everything he does, third rate even - but that is only on a good day!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Daily Mail critics have a choice.
They can either believe the government figures on inflation of over 4% or the MailOnline's Cost Of Living Index for September which shows a 25% annual rise in essentials.
I have never met an incorrect statistic in the Mail yet the left always pronounce on this newspaper as if it purveys lies.
So. Your choice. Who is telling the truth on this one?
Old UKIP image disappears in one stroke.
About time too!
Professor Richard Dawkins is to receive an apology from the prayer and lobby group Christian Voice, despite being spiritually dead for over sixty years. The move follows a posthumous apology to Charles Darwin which the Church of England issued today.
The apology will read:'Professor Dawkins, 67 years (give or take a month or two) from your birth, Christian Voice owes you an apology for misunderstanding you and, by getting our first reaction wrong, encouraging others to misunderstand you still. (We are not sure that is good English, but please forgive us for that as well.)'In the past Christian Voice has ridiculed you for your irrational belief in evolution and for failing to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.'We said, in a press release dated 10th October 2007, that you were 'daffy' in encouraging children on your website to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. We said your failure to understand what blaspheming the Holy Spirit actually was stemmed from ignorance and implied that you were barking mad to get people to try to blaspheme a God in whom you did not even believe. 'We described you as an "evangelical atheist" who looked "malicious, loony, ill-informed and stupid in equal measure". We pondered your "peculiar combination of wickedness and madness" and asked, "Has the evolutionary biologist lost the plot?"'Yesterday, outside London Zoo, while witnessing against the Zoo's ridiculous "Gay Sunday", we gave out leaflets mocking the theory of evolution, for which you are such a prominent advocate.'We imagined in the leaflet a conversation between two prototype swallows, desperately trying to work out how to stick mud together and watching all their eggs smash on the ground. We had the male swallow saying "I'm sorry about the eggs, darling, it takes time to evolve this nest-building lark."'We ridiculed the idea that the tail of the peacock and the tuft on the head of the tufted duck are there to attract a mate, observing that starlings and sparrows manage to reproduce without over-the-top tails and redundant tufts.'In so doing, we characterised you as irrational, illogical and a total loser. We implied you were ill-educated if not a complete plank to think that the incredible interdependence and design in creation could just "happen" over time and did not need a divine designer.'People, and institutions, make mistakes and Christian people and Churches are no exception. When a big new idea, like Jesus Christ being King of kings and Lord of lords, emerges that changes the way people look at the world, it's easy for Roman Empire pagans and modern secularists, both Christian and Atheist, to feel that every old idea, every certainty, is under attack and then to do battle against the new insights.'So we recognise now that your dependence on evolution is not science, or even bad science, but an irrational excuse to deny Almighty God. We see that your attempts to poor scorn on Christianity and Jesus Christ are the result of a sort of 'virus of the mind', put there by the father of lies.'We acknowledge that your hatred of intelligent design - and the Intelligent Designer - is merely a faith-based position, as is the use of your gifts to obscure and even deny the truth of the Gospel.'Above all, we now realise, that contrary to your being a complete waste of space and a descendant of apes, you are actually made in the image of God. We realise that although you are still stupid, that is simply because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and that your eyes are blinded and your ears will not hear any contrary view. In short, we now see you are a sinner in need of the saving, life-transforming grace of God in Jesus Christ.'It is a start for you, that you realise there is a deep incompatibility between the pseudo-scientific theories you have adopted and developed from Darwin and Christian teaching. But that is not quite enough.'So we apologise if we have failed to say, that rather than continue as a militant, proselytising sinner, you need to recognise your failings right now and seek the forgiveness of the incarnate, crucified, risen, ascended, glorified Lord Jesus Christ.'The struggle for your spirit is not over yet, and we pray that you will cast away the dead faith of Darwinism for a living faith in the living Saviour.
Stephen Green
National Director, Christian Voice.
Clearly, she has the ability - and requisite spirituality - to become the greatest painter in the history of the world.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Please introduce a friend.
The link, can of course be E Mailed to all right-thinking people.
If you send this to known liberals, lefties, the PC contingent, cults and members of the liberal church - then on your own head be it!
Spoof or not?
Fanatics have a plan.
Let us hope that this is not accepted as valid by the Muslim majority!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Propaganda rules!
Let us deal first with the Band. Our Sally Army chums received a good donation from me earlier this week. They may not be getting any more as they had been cajoled into opening their 'set' with the EU anthem. Shame on them for their political naivety!
The free cakes from the Czech stall were excellent, however.
The event was packed with europhiles for whom there seems to have been a three line whip but the attendance of outsiders was relatively sparse. In the couple of hours I spent there, I doubt that many more than 80 or 100 curious shoppers came over to have a peep and a decent proportion of these took literature and DVDs from the UKIP stall.
UKIP alone stood out against what was happening and I shall not bother you with the manifold petty attempts which had been taken to marginalise their effect.
A significant number of the statements made by the MEPs in the question and answer session were beyond dishonest. Anybody with a grasp of the facts could instantly see through the deceits. Even so, the self-selecting audience consisting heavily of 'gravy train', europhile activists seemed satisfied and proud as they all proved their affiliations by voting down by a roomful to five, the idea that there should have been a referendum on the iniquitous Lisbon Treaty.
Even the BBC's Len Tingle who compered the event made a public aside referring to how unrepresentative the audience was!
I despair.
Church of England leaders to 'lose the plot'.
"The Church of England will tomorrow officially apologise to Charles Darwin for misunderstanding his theory of evolution.
In a bizarre step, the Church will address its contrition directly to the Victorian scientist himself, even though he died 126 years ago.
But the move was greeted with derision last night, with Darwin’s great-great-grandson dismissing it as ‘pointless’ and other critics branding it ‘ludicrous’ ... "
Leaving aside the issue that Darwin was wrong and demonstrably so on his belief that natural selection - a scientific fact - could give rise to small changes out of which one species would develop into another as he did not know that all creatures have defined, genetic parameters beyond which they may not proceed, the whole issue returns the Church of England to its default position as this nation's number one laughing stock.
Apologising to dead people? - Time for the C of E to do a refresher course on basic theology!
Beyond this, it all places the Church of England firmly in that silliest of politically correct camps where we all must 'apologise to victims - both real and imagined - from years or even centuries ago'.
One must also remember that the Italians have yet to apologise to us for the predations of their Roman, yob ancestors on their package tours to the UK around 53 BC and beyond.
[Well. I got over that 'speechless' thing.] Incidentally, using alleged mutations as the mechanism whereby one critter could change into another is doomed to fail as mutations are virtually always negatives [ some say 'always' ] and the numbers of beneficial 'changes' required to produce the life we have on the planet today would be trillions multiplied by trillions to cover the whole shebang.
Belief in evolution is not a scientific stance - it is a belief system - a faith no less, as Professor Andy Macintosh demonstrated recently in his amazing and highly convincing rejection of evolution on Radio 2 this week.
SEE POSTING: 21st September 2006.
Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...