Thursday, December 31, 2009


'The Harris Interactive poll for the Financial Times said that 10 per cent of adults believe official figures are accurate. The same number again believe the figures are produced without interference from politicians.'

What? - A whole 10%? - Hard to believe!

Still. What is even harder to grasp is why, when the mistrust is so clear and broad, that people continue voting for the egregious LibLabCon!

An answer to prayer.

I have several times featured the 'banana republic' shenanigans of the Gambian government's persecution of two British missionaries, the Fultons.
Mr Fulton continues to serve his three years of hard labour but - great news and an answer to much prayer from supporters - Fiona Fulton has been released early.

Praise God!

Cameron thinks he may lose Buckingham!

'David Cameron has been warned that Tory backbenchers are determined to oust John Bercow as Speaker immediately after the general election.
The Conservative leader is keen to avoid a Westminster battle in the aftermath of victory at the polls. He and George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, fear that a fight over the Speaker’s chair would send the wrong signal to voters promised a “new politics”.
Mr Bercow — who, despite being a Conservative, owed his victory to a well-organised campaign by Labour MPs — has repaired relations with Mr Cameron. The Tory leader has made clear to party members in Mr Bercow’s Buckingham constituency that he will eject anyone found helping Nigel Farage, standing for UKIP against the Speaker at the election.'

SO. All very interesting! Cameron effectively supporting the non tory against his rank and file AND changing the rules to catch out the Buckingham membership who show sense. It all brings a warm glow to the heart!


Doctors and hippocrisy?

Hippocratic oath - "To do no harm".

I could perhaps square this in extreme cases where the possibility of euthanasia is concerned - but abortion??

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Harridan Harperson strikes a telling blow against the voters she hates most!

'Fire stations in middle-class neighbourhoods are set to close under 'class war' plans being drawn up by Harriet Harman.
The Equality Bill being pushed by Labour's deputy leader will impose on councils the duty to allocate fire protection on the basis of social class.
The Bill, described as 'socialism in one clause', has already created controversy by forcing local authorities to tackle 'socio-economic disadvantage' when making decisions on 'spending and service delivery'.

INCREDIBLE - BUT AT THE SAME TIME, NO REAL SURPRISE! (Imagine the Guardian and Independent's reaction if the opposite shift had been done under a Tory administration.)

This vein of purest hatred which runs through leftwing politics should be quite enough for all genuine Christians to see that the title of this Blog is 100% accurate.

Read more:

Helping the terminally ill? - Tell them about Jesus.

'Terminally ill cancer patients who receive spiritual support from their medical team are, on average, found to be in a better state of being near death than those who do not, according to a recently published study.
Researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute also found that among patients relying on their religious beliefs to cope with their illness, spiritual support reduced their risk of receiving aggressive medical interventions at the end of life.
"Our findings suggest that spiritual care from the medical system has important ramifications for patients at the end of life, including helping them transition to comfort-focused care and improving their well-being near death," commented the study's senior author, Dr Tracy Balboni of Dana-Farber.
"Furthermore, they highlight the need to educate medical caregivers in being attentive to the frequent role of religion and spirituality in patients' coping with advanced illness and importance of integrating pastoral care into multidisciplinary medical teams."

Obviously! What else would we expect?
Source: Christian Today.

How do these people think? Do they think at all?

One of our better known lefties is the sweet, rather prim, demure comedienne, Jo Brand. She truly excelled herself in a radio interview before Christmas with her convoluted and arcane arguments which centred principally on her amazing statement "You can't be racist towards white people."
The total absence of logic in her intense assertions gives us a starting point to help us begin to have some slight understanding of how these people operate.
You take leftwing dogma and marinade yourself in it until the brain has abandoned all logic and ceased to function rationally. Then by the most absurd of desperate arguments you must try to justify any piece of utter nonsense in terms which hopefully will sound vaguely reasonable to the undiscerning listener - at least until engaging his or her own brain.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Turbine update.

For a few days, one of our trio of local wind turbines was actually working.
Sad to relate, the last two occasions that I have passed by - 100% inactivity! (Two without sails!)

Nice one, Bish!

The head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales has urged people not to seek their happiness in wealth or career success but rather to find it in a relationship with Jesus and the people they love.

Just can't argue that!

Currys are losing a customer!

Last week I bought a new memory stick for £5-99. It worked when it felt like it.
The jobs which I gave it to do which it refused, worked on other memory sticks.
My wife returned the piece of tat to Currys at Meadowhall complete with bill.

She was kept waiting. It was tested and declared 'working' so she was made to feel humiliated and left without the refund even after explaining that the fault was intermittent.
Under the 1979 Sale of Goods Act, if an item is 'not fit for purpose' a refund must be given. The fur will fly when I next go there! Refuse me and I shall make announcements of what has happened to all the customers present - and not sotto voce!
When they ask me to leave, I shall talk to customers entering the store which is my legal entitlement.
In November I spent nearly £500 at Currys - what bad management to lose a good customer over £5-99 - and illegally at that?

Questions which have not been asked.

I make no direct comments on the execution of Akmail Shaikh earlier today by the Chinese authorities but rather, I have a number of questions I would like to pose which have certainly not been highlighted by groups such as Amnesty, The Mental Health Lawyers Association, Gordon Brown's Government and Reprieve:
1) If Mr Shaikh was as 'mentally ill' as claimed by his family why did that family allow him to wander the world joining in some rather 'colourful' activities? Isn't it amazing how frequently 'mental problems' suddenly become centre stage when consequences of actions must be faced?
2) Do I really believe that he could be unknowingly carrying 9lbs of pure heroin?
3) If he had sufficient intelligence to travel - a most complex process in a modern world, particularly to the remoter areas - is it not rather difficult to believe that he could have been so easily 'tricked' into carrying the drugs, the standard excuse trotted out whenever anybody is caught moving drugs?
4) What was Mr Shaikh doing, other than attempting to smuggle drugs, in the remote town of Urumqi? I had never heard of Urumqi. How does a man from Kentish Town end up there I wonder and for what honest purpose?
5) Why has there been no statement to indicate that Mr Shaikh had no significant criminal record? The weasel words used by the lawyers concerned have certainly made me wonder.
6) I have heard of two deaths in the last 24 hours - both of people I had never met.
One was executed for carrying a parcel containing death and destruction, the other was a Christian lady who had done little but good in her life and had not invited in the cancer which was to kill her. Which death should I regret the most?
On a spiritual level I come to a different conclusion to the one I reach on the social one!
7) Which government is caring most - the one which takes drug smuggling to be a crime of the utmost seriousness and responds accordingly or the one which would have given an eight year sentence and then released the perpetrator in under five?
8) How many Brits will now think twice before attempting to smuggle drugs into China?
Incidentally, my own response would be to execute the 'Mr Bigs', the drugs barons of the smuggling world, and would not especially target the 'mules' but if China takes a different opinion to such socially destructive individuals - that is not really any of my business.
Only where people are persecuted on grounds of race, belief, proportion, gender and similar have I the right to comment on how another country acts.
Incidentally: 'As for the mental illness so often cited as a defence for Shaikh's actions, bi-polar disorder is a condition that affects mood, not cognition.'

Monday, December 28, 2009

How many coincidences are really coincidences? - Expert advice.

"Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous."

Albert Einstein.

CRB checks.

There is perhaps one point where 99% of society can agree. We all want to eradicate paedophile behaviour.
It is indeed rare that a government has such single-mindedness; such unananimity amongst voters.
Even then they still get it badly wrong. I refer of course to the ubiquitous CRB checks which have turned from a vaguely 'useful tool' into 'means of making lives difficult for both organisations and individuals'. Moreover, for smaller organisations these can prove ridiculously expensive and have oft turned into major bureaucratic nightmares for all concerned.
If governments were truly wanting to solve the problem and get into line with general thinking, they would not be playing silly games but would return to locking these offenders away for very long periods of time and where the worst are concerned - permanently! Psychologists will tell you frankly that these are a social group who never reform! (Beware 'indeterminate sentences' which sound considerably worse than they are in practice.)
Use hefty prison sentences to deal with the roots of the problem and not bureaucracy which only scratches the surface and does nothing more than add minor inconvenience to the child molesters themselves.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

No. I don't think it's a joke! - I want to cry.

'A local councillor who calls the numbers at charity bingo sessions has stopped saying "two fat ladies 88" and "legs 11" because council officials fear players might take offence and sue.
Pensioner John Sayers, who runs weekly games in the town hall in Sudbury, Suffolk, said no-one had complained about being offended - but players moaned that his numbers-only style was "boring".
Mr Sayers, 75, a member of Sudbury Town Council and former town mayor, said a council clerk advised him to cut the traditional comic calls in case the authority found itself in hot water.
"The concern was that if there might be two large ladies in the audience when I said 'two fat ladies 88' or someone might think I was looking at their legs when I said 'legs 11'," he said.'

A LoonyTunesWatch coconut is hereby awarded to Sudbury Council officials!

Source Guardian.

(Thanks Edd.)

Extremism? - Oh, yes!

Are the BNP extremists? - In so many ways, the answer must be 'yes' but there is a far more important question to be asked.
Are the mainstream parties who have robbed us of our culture, our rights, our heritage, our entitlement to free speech and freedom of thought actually better? Just because what they have done to us has been gradual does not mean that we should lend them any future support.
They have given our nation into the hands of: criminals, the ironically named do-gooders, foreign powers, bureaucrats and the imperialism of Brussels.
They have taxed us to a wicked extent to fund their fads and have undermined Christianity at every point.

They have brought us the wretched 'multiculture' as a replacement for social integration - and expect us to be grateful. They have snouts in the trough; lie to us consistently; enact the 'Nanny State; tell us what we must think and even how we must feel. They are without any sense whatsoever of the meaning of justice, evenhandedness or basic fairness.
As for the Greens - they are the same as The LibLabCon - just more so!

Who are the extremists that so many will be voting for in the coming election?

Peter Hitchens on what we are losing.

Peter Hitchens reasonably asks: 'How much longer will it [Christmas] exist in the form we know today? I fear it won’t be much longer. Many of its traditions are visibly dying. Teachers complain that children don’t know the carols any more, because their parents don’t know them either.
At a couple of packed services during Advent (a season many haven’t heard of), I’ve noticed that large numbers of adults stand with their lips not moving during the singing of these simple, easily mastered songs.'

Read more:

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas TV on the Beeb.

Oh dear! Last night, what a feeble, wretched, miserable, lamentable apology for a piece of so-called 'flagship broadcasting'.
The Royle Family which has had positives in the past, was stretched and dragged into an unfamiliar one hour format and descended into non stop crudity which did not even have the redeeming feature of being amusing. Not one laugh; not one smile in a full programme.
Gavin and Stacey was as thin as ever but you can usually rely on Nessa or Bryn for a tiny moment of comic genius - but these were noticeable only by their absence.
Dr Who fans may I suppose, argue that they were well served

Marks out of ten? - A perhaps over generous TWO. Keep paying the licence fee!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Some got it right!

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. ~Roy L. Smith

Only in souls the Christ is brought to birth, And there He lives and dies.~Alfred Noyes

Fail not to call to mind, in the course of the twenty-fifth of this month, that the Divinest Heart that ever walked the earth was born on that day; and then smile and enjoy yourselves for the rest of it; for mirth is also of Heaven's making. ~Leigh Hunt

There has been only one Christmas - the rest are anniversaries. ~W.J. Cameron

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! ~Author Unknown

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens

It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air. ~W.T. Ellis

Except the Christ be born again tonight In dreams of all men, saints and sons of shame, The world will never see his kingdom bright. ~Vachel Lindsay

Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. ~Janice Maeditere.

A Christ-filled Christmas to you all.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Nietsche's damage is still seen today.

In her groundbreaking "Demoralisation of Society", Professor Gertrude Himmelfarb makes an unarguable point regarding the destruction of social positives in the post Victorian world.
Largely blaming the soul-aching negativism of Friedrich Nietsche for a change in vocabulary by the philosopher who wished to abolish God and went on to be a major philosophical force behind the rise of Hitler, she attributes the rise of modern relativism to this false prophet.
One word subtlely is changed into another. 'Virtues' turn into 'values' - and at what cost!
'Virtues' in Victorian Britain were immutable; cast in stone; grounded in Christianity and were socially positive ideals shared by the bulk of society from top to bottom.
'Values' however, are based on an absence of absolutes; shifting moralities dependent on individualistic points of view; fads and fashions; self-serving attitudes; justifications of the unjustifiable; godlessness; nihilism; egocentricity and sham claims of benevolence.
A society does not turn into the moral wreckage that we must endure today without first the ship being holed below the waterline.
Nietsche made the first and most important breech as Man made the shift from being largely immoral to the far more terrifying - AMORAL.

Perhaps a good time to recall precisely why we so need the Saviour born in Bethlehem!

Nearly here.

Well Christmas is nearly upon us. I usually consider this the least spiritual time of the year.
I wonder how many people find Jesus over the Christmas period? I may be wrong but would guess that it is considerably fewer than at other times of the year.
Here is a thought. When I first went to a local Pentecostal Church where open prayer was de rigueur, there was a lovely old gent who tended to finish with the words:

"Thank you God for sending Jesus and thank you Jesus that you came."

He has been gone for decades now but these simple praises seem oh so appropriate at Christmas.
Please contrast with the lovely Christmas card on here!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What is Christmas about?

What is Christmas about? - Hmm. Let me see.

Er, overeating, drinking too much, spending too much, presents, cards, tree, Santa, lights, false bonhomie, special pudding, turkey, time off work.
Pretty much it. I don't think I've missed anything important, have I?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


'More than 70 mainly Christian Burmese children who fled to Thailand to escape Buddhist militia face imminent repatriation – and the threat of death.
The 76 ethnic minority Karen children, who are aged six to 16, have been cared for at the Glory to God orphanage in Mae Hong Son province, Thailand, after they fled Burma in June to avoid militia attacks. But earlier this month, Thai border police raided the orphanage and told the children to prepare for deportation.
'If the children go back, they will be killed,' a caretaker at the orphanage told International Christian Concern. 'This should never happen.' She added that she had raised the children's plight with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
The children are part of 4,000-strong group of mainly Christian Karen who crossed the River Moei into Thailand in June when the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) raided their villages in Karen State, Burma. The DKBA is thought to be a 'proxy force' of the Burmese military junta which has violently repressed ethnic minorities and sometimes imposed Buddhism as a means of creating a national identity.'


(Source: International Christian Concern via Release Int.)

Unfortunately, Will was right!

"The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones."

Act 3, scene ii of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare.

Monday, December 21, 2009


'A clergyman has been criticised as 'highly irresponsible' after advising his congregation to shoplift following his Nativity sermon.
Father Tim Jones, 41, broke off from his traditional annual sermon yesterday to tell his flock that stealing from large chains is sometimes the best option for vulnerable people.
It is far better for people desperate during the recession to shoplift than turn to 'prostitution, mugging or burglary', he said.'

By his logic, he should be encouraging rape as it is better than murder!

Every parish has one! (And I don't mean minister!)

Read more:

Defending home and castle.

Well. It has certainly taken a long time for me to get to this point - praising a tory idea - but well done to the tories for stating that they will free householders from the restrictions of so-called 'reasonable force' when confronting burglars in their homes. (Provided of course that Cameron actually follows through on this which, given his duplicitous record, is by no means certain!)
Of course such ideas have to be part of broader thinking.

This could only work if armed burglars were to be given substantially heavier sentences than at present. I do not want to hear such lowlifes claiming that they "needed to carry some protection" whilst plundering our homes and businesses, which are the arguments so many of the same currently use for carrying knives on the streets. Undoubtedly, sentences for that are pathetically inadequate.

Furthermore, care must be taken that enemies are not lured to households in order to be murdered under the guise of 'protecting property'.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I could throw up!

'A devout Christian teacher has lost her job after discussing her faith with a mother and her sick child and offering to pray for them.
Olive Jones, a 54-year-old mother of two, who taught maths to children too ill to attend school, was dismissed following a complaint from the girl’s mother. She was visiting the home of the child when she spoke about her belief in miracles and asked whether she could say a prayer, but when the mother indicated they were not believers she did not go ahead.
Mrs Jones was then called in by her managers who, she says, told her that sharing her faith with a child could be deemed to be bullying and informed her that her services were no longer required.
Her dismissal has outraged Christian groups, who say new equality regulations are driving Christianity to the margins of society.'

I know of a remarkably similar case with a Sheffield social worker who was 'disciplined' under similar circumstances. (For "discipline" read "persecution".)

If you ever doubted the need for this Blog - then doubt no more!

Read more:

An interesting major difference.

You can be born Muslim.
You cannot be born a Christian, you have to opt in!

Match off yesterday at Glanford Park.

TV licences.

Just what purpose is there in having TV licences? Some 98% of the population have now got colour TV so why does support of the BBC not come from general taxation?
Why have an unnecessary bureaucracy?

Why have to have teams of investigators?

Why the need to take up so much court time?
No. The whole thing is an exercise in futility and pointlessness.
I accept that having no advertising on a few channels is a good thing and that the National and Local Radio setups should receive adequate funding too but only on the grounds that in general, for all its faults - of which there are many - the BBC is the best producer of quality broadcasting and this must continue.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Life tough? - There is a solution.


'Schools should stop labelling children 'dyslexic' because the condition cannot be distinguished from other reading difficulties, an all-party group of MPs will declare today.' Good!

In my experience it is not so much schools who 'label' children as it is their parents.
In all too many cases where a child is doing badly in school - an excuse MUST be found. Dyslexia is a most convenient peg on which to hang this particular hat!
Far too loosely diagnosed, often 'dyslexia' is used to turn the child into a victim which ultimately helps nobody, indeed it will often exacerbate situations.
Justifying failure is always a disaster for the child's development.
If you are dyslexic then you may well start with a disadvantage but this requires effort to overcome and not platitudes.
I may be a touch cynical - (What do you mean that you had spotted that?) - but I also note that certain organisations depend on the diagnosis of dyslexia for their very existence .... This is also the case with a number of other childhood 'conditions' which may well exist but can be exaggerated or again, be too loosely diagnosed.
(My Mum was so over-protective when I was a child, I am certain that if these conditions had been around when I was a nipper - I would have been dragged along to confirm as many as possible!)

Misleading again? Caught out again?

'Green crusader Al Gore was at the centre of a new spin row last night after he was caught out for a second time exaggerating the threat of global warming.
In a keynote speech at the Copenhagen talks, the former U.S. vice-president claimed the North Pole could be completely free of ice by the middle of the next decade.
He claimed a study showed a ‘75 per cent chance’ that the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer months within five to seven years.
However, Dr Wieslaw Maslowski, the study’s author, said his research revealed ‘nothing of the sort’.
Spin row: Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore makes his controversial speech during a presentation of a report on the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, at the Bella centre of Copenhagen yesterday
Dr Maslowski, of the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in California, said: ‘I would never estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this. It’s unclear how this was arrived at.’

If 'global warming' is so demonstrably true - why all the lies and exaggerations from so many proponents of the hypothesis?


Friday, December 18, 2009

Alphege on the money!

"The centre of trouble is not the turbulent appetites -- though they are troublesome enough. The centre of trouble is in the personality of man as a whole, which is self-centred and can only be wholesome and healthy if it is God-centred."

Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1012.

Local turbine update.

On the third of December I told you about our trio of local wind turbines. All three are still not functioning and a second has now lost its sails entirely!
The windmill solution? - Pure hot air. (Although this morning, that is not exactly literal.)

Sir Liam.

'Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson has today warned parents that giving children a small amount of alcohol in order to encourage responsible drinking does not work - and can do more harm than good. Criticising parents' "laissez-faire" attitude, he said that giving alcohol to children could lead to binge drinking and alcohol problems in adulthood.'

I am deeply suspicious of this gentleman and his motives. It is odd how frequently his advice mirrors politically correct thinking in the government to whom he owes his position.
On this occasion, may I offer anecdotal evidence as to why he is wrong - again?
I was brought up by a mother who didn't touch alcohol from one month to the next and a father who was teetotal.
As a teenager I became fascinated by alcohol; obsessed, even. I suspect that making 'a big deal' of it is responsible for this fascination in many!
Obviously, Sir Liam is also one of the 'shunt up the price of alcohol brigade'.
Why is he not looking at the vast rise in alcohol-related hospital admissions since Labour came to power for which there is a direct link to 'laissez-faire' licensing? Well?
Why is he not pointing out that police and courts do not severely tackle underage drinking on the streets - because they are prevented from doing so from on high?
Yet again, the liberal-left want control; want the 'nanny state; want to wrest control from parents; want to punish everybody to get at the truly guilty - with hidden agendas on the way.
Honestly. Teaching children to drink responsibly from within the home is wrong?
Insane thinking designed to shift the finger of blame pointing at Brown and co for their disastrous policies. (To be fair - the tories were little better.)


PC? - No, no and thrice no!

Unbelievably, every now and again a writer in the media will seek to defend political correctness and does so by claiming spuriously and possibly disingenuously, that 'it gets people to be nicer and fairer to each other.'
This is precisely why PC is not actually defensible - it does not make for less persecution - but more! It fuels 'The Law of Unintended Consequences'.
It trivialises; it demeans; it reduces free speech; it has an agenda; it is humourless; it is catch-all; is always left-leaning; it is seldom logical and it creates masses of wholly unnecessary resentment.
All you have to do if you really want people to treat each other with more respect is to encourage the following of what Christ had to teach us.
That leaves precious little room for nastiness, spite and unreasonableness.
What all must remember is that PC is not and never has been based on benevolence or love of humanity - but only on control thereof!

Want to have an overview of why I despise PC and the EU, both - then go to this explanatory link. [Dated February.]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Phil Hanson writing in The Yorkshire Post ....

" --- what we suspected all along, that Tony Blair was on an ego trip in the league of such "statesmen" as Mussolini and Hitler.
While we often deride Robert Mugabe, he has not invaded another country."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lord Monckton on video: the climate change scam.

Irony: The Falaise Gap: Darwin.

Amazingly, Darwin criticised the Gospels for not having been recorded at the precise time of the events.

(It reminds me of all the material my Dad gave for the Battle of Falaise Gap, a full 40+ years after the event, for John Roberts' history of The Normandy Campaign. The basic accuracy of that has not been questioned, either with regard to him or the countless other contributors whose accounts blended so beautifully together decades later!)

The irony arises in that his evolutionary hypothesis consisted of a vast number of backward-looking guesses which were certainly NOT recorded contemporaneously!

Pray for the persecuted in Eritrea.

'The Eritrean authorities arrested a large group of mostly elderly women at a prayer meeting in Asmara.
The 30 Christian women, most of whom are members of the evangelical Faith Mission Church, were praying together in a house in the Eritrean capital on December 5 when security forces arrived and took them to a police station.
The women's relatives told sources for the advocacy group, International Christian Concern, that they are deeply worried about loved ones' safety.
The Faith Mission Church has reportedly existed for more than five decades but was forced underground in 2002 when the Government banned all church groups apart from the Orthodox church, the Roman Catholic church and the Lutheran Evangelical church.'



Indeterminate sentences? What is the point?

Twice in two days I have had to consider appalling failings in, what should now perhaps be referred to as, our INjustice system.
An effective seven year sentence on Vanessa George for her most heinous of crimes is simply derisory. The tariff is disguised under the auspices of a so-called 'indeterminate sentence' - a term of utterly mind-numbing meaninglessness.
That one of her partners in crime should have received an even lesser disposal beggars belief.
At this point, the lamentable do-gooders largely responsible for these atrocities will be rushing into the 'judgement mode' which is the accusation which ironically, they will level against me.
"He wants vengeance not justice" they will shriek in the very highest of dudgeon.
I, at least, am able to distinguish the one from the other.
Justice is neutral: revenge is personal. What is required here is simply retribution - a right and proper punishment which is commensurate to the crimes committed and is imposed without the intervention of ones own feelings. When I took my oath as a JP, the promise was "To do right." Naturally, this does include recognition of the degree of seriousness of any given offence!
Using my critical faculties, I can state unequivocally that Mrs George's sentence fails as a meaningful deterrent; it does not offer adequate protection to society; rehabilitation is simply not a relevant issue; social vindication is absent.
It is about time that our hogtied judiciary was freed to give the kind of sentences which the public have a right to expect. I have no doubt that the judge here was not 'acting under orders' as such but I can assure you all that he will have been 'acting under the egregious guidelines' which currently infest the system courtesy of our 'friends' from the liberal left!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Acquis commaunitaire.

Years ago when I joined UKIP, I did so because I seemed to be one of the then minority who had grasped the fact that the EU had wrested almost all power from the British people.
Having studied the detail of 'the ratchet principle' (acquis commaunitaire) which went right back to The Treaty of Rome, I recognised that only withdrawal to associate membership could prevent the incessant, imperialistic power grabs. Under Acquis commaunitaire once the EU has taken a power, that power can never be given back without leaving the EU altogether.
I must now apologise wholeheartedly and unreservedly to the people of Sheffield for my crass naivety in having been fooled by mendacious, political europhiles into casting my vote to remain in the EU back in 1975.

Now David Cameron is claiming that he will put into power a government which will have a 'Sovereignty Bill' to protect us and ensure that 'ultimate authority stays in this country'.
This is an empty promise; a waste of time; hot air; duplicitous. It is a pure impossibility - and he knows it!

Worth a visit and adding to your toolbar:


Valery stated that politics was "The art of preventing people from becoming involved in affairs which concern them".

Paul Valery.


'A millionaire businessman who fought back against a knife-wielding burglar was jailed for two-and-a-half years yesterday. But his attacker has been spared prison. Munir Hussain, 53, and his family were tied up and told to lie on the floor by career criminal Waled Salem, who burst into his home with two other masked men.'

Mr Hussain's response was indeed very violent - but under the circumstances I know that my own reaction would have been little different.

I weep for the sad and terrible world we now inhabit.

LINK: AND (later additions)

Monday, December 14, 2009

No comment, really.

Government warnings - usually found with scientific backing.

Let's make a list:

New ice age.

Nuclear winter.

Hole in ozone layer which permit the sun to fry us.

Millenium bug.
Acid rain to dissolve us.

Bird flu.

Al Qaeda atrocities multiplying.

Piggy flu.

Global warming.
AND STILL - countless citizens are prepared to uncritically believe any scare stories originating from governments without bothering to recall how many times we have been scammed - or at best been victims of over-zealous worrymongering - in the recent past.

Orwellian bogeyman politics! The danger however, is that we shall be ill-prepared on the one occasion one of these scare stories proves to be true!

Melanie: right as usual.

'The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, comes in for a lot of stick - not least from columnists like me.
But in the past few days, he has said something important. He has criticised Government ministers for thinking that Christian beliefs are no longer relevant in modern Britain, and for looking at religion as a 'problem'.
Many Government faith initiatives, he observed, assumed that religion was an eccentricity practised by oddballs, foreigners and minorities.
This is not just a seasonal exercise in special pleading by a Church leader. Dr Williams has put his finger on what should be a cause of extreme disquiet - the war of attrition being waged against Christian beliefs.

Read the full article by a lady whom I believe comes from the Jewish Faith!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Persecution of Christians by PC PC on Merseyside.

Romans 1:16.

'For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.'

(By Greek here, The Apostle Paul refers to gentiles - to ALL.)
That our God loves us so much that he sent His only begotten Son with His principal purpose being that He should die in our place is the greatest miracle of Christmas. Let us never forget this. He who should never see death - was born to die.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dawkins offers delusion removal service for bereaved and dying.

'Dawkins offers delusion removal service for bereaved and dying
‘Face Reality Now’, a new ‘delusion removal’ service set up by Richard Dawkins, offers the soon to be bereaved an opportunity to confront their dying friends and relations with their mortality.
‘It’s a scandal that people continue to die unaware that really is it,’ explained Dr Dawkins. ‘Now, for a small fee, my service will send trained atheists to reassure the dying that they can forget about any after life nonsense.’
The service also offers a comprehensive after death option in which the funeral cortege is followed by men with loudhailers shouting, ‘Stop comforting yourself with mumbo-jumbo. For God’s sake, he’s dead – deal with it!’




The little girl from next door I played with as a five year old and whose rocking horse I rode so many times; the little girl who shoved me into a table so I still have a lump in the inside of the mouth were the contact was made; the little girl who was my friend; the little girl who grew up, and totally independently became a friend of my wife-to-be in the Girl Guides - died this week aged 55.

It has really stunned me even though I hadn't spoken to her since 1956!

If ever the importance of The Great Commission needed to be remembered by Christians it is at times like this. Not merely remembered - but acted upon!

R.I.P. Judy.

Sexual activity among teenagers set to rise even further.

'Teenage girls are being given the contraceptive Pill without a doctor's prescription for the first time.
Girls of 16 and over in areas with the highest teen pregnancy rates can receive it from pharmacists in a project that could be rolled out nationwide.'

There is one absolute certainty in all of this. The good ole Law of Unintended Consequences is going to kick in from yet another ill-conceived(SORRY!)liberal-left 'project'.


WATCH this brilliant Aussie ad. You will NEVER drink and drive again!

(Sound required - nay essential!)

Piggy flu scam - the admissions.

Associated Press - LONDON — 'Swine flu is far less dangerous than originally feared, British officials said. Earlier this week, American researchers released a similar analysis of the virus and said swine flu, or H1N1, may turn out to be the mildest pandemic on record. Most people who catch swine flu have mild symptoms like a fever or cough, and recover without needing medical treatment.'

ANOTHER scientific scam supported by governments worldwide with money-grabbers on the sidelines falls flat on its face.
We are clearly now being programmed into not believing them. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would suspect that this was all deliberate and is laying the groundwork for a cull of humanity.
If a Spanish flu pandemic 1918/9 style were to come up, they could knowingly offer lame warnings; few would believe them; world population plummets.

If not actually true - it would still be great subject matter for my next novel.

Friday, December 11, 2009

How climate change data was rigged.

It take 20 - 30 Scientists to Create "Consensus" nucengineer wrote:
Sunday, 6 December 2009 at 12:28 am (UTC)

I hope that the following makes the ClimateGate controversy easier to understand and how only 20 – 30 paleoclimatologists and super computer programming specialists can create the entire “consensus” that man is causing global warming.ClimateGate emails and computer programs were taken from a main server at the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia. It is not known if this was a theft or the actions of a whistleblower, disgusted with what the lead scientists at CRU were doing.ClimateGate exposed the cabal of 20 – 30 scientists (not just at CRU) that peer reviewed each others papers, strong-armed scientific journals to only print their views, and then sat on the IPCC panels as authors judging which published studies go into the IPCC final reports. This is why they always keep shouting “peer reviewed studies, peer reviewed studies, peer reviewed studies”. They owned the peer review process.ClimateGate exposed that this small group has been adding positive corrections to the raw global temperature data, inflating the amount of published temperature rise over the last 50 years. Both CRU in the UK and NASA-GISS in the US add these biases. At CRU, the programmers did not even know what and why some corrections were added every month. Only since satellite monitoring for comparison have the amounts of biasing leveled off.ClimateGate exposed the leaders of this cabal instructing each other to delete emails, data files, and data analysis programs ahead of already filed Freedom Of Information Act requests for raw data and computer codes, clearly a crime.ClimateGate exposed the “trick” about the Hockey stick figure and other studies that performed proxy construction of past temperatures. After all, reconstruction of the last 1,000 years of climate is the first step in predicting the future with super computer programs as explained below:Everything about all 21 super computer programs used by the IPCC to determine future global warming rely on best-determined past sensitivities to solar and volcanic effects (climate forcings) from the proxy temperature record.1. The elimination of the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age (the handle of the hockey stick) was necessary so that past solar effects could be minimized, thereby allowing almost all of the warming in the last 75 years to be blamed on Greenhouse Gasses. Raw data (like tree-ring thickness, radioisotope of mud layers in a lake bottom, ice core analyses, etc.) are used as a proxy for reconstruction of the temperature record for 1000 AD to 1960 AD. To ensure desired results, statistical manipulation of the raw data and selecting only supporting data, cherry-picking, was suspected and later proved to make the hockey stick graph. Look closely at the plot here where the hockey stick is one of the plots:

Bercow MUST lose Buckingham to Farage.

ABSOLUTE SCANDAL! 'The new Speaker, who ran on a manifesto to modernise Parliament, flipped the designation of his second home earlier this year months before taking charge in the Commons.
Mr Bercow also received a letter in January 2007 from the Commons authorities complaining he had not provided a mortgage interest statement for two years, despite rules requiring new documents to be submitted annually.
Last year, Mr Bercow, who was Conservative MP for Buckingham for the period covered, claimed a total of £22,465.49 in second homes allowance.
Earlier this year, he repaid nearly £1,000 he overclaimed on his mortgage. It emerged the interest on Mr Bercow's mortgage had fallen from £1,435 to £525 at the end of 2008, but he made 'an accidental overclaim' for one month in November and promptly paid back the sum.
He changed the designation of his second home earlier this year from London to his constituency as two of his children were now in full-time education there.
Mr Bercow paid back £6,500 this year following criticism that he had changed the designation of his second home to avoid capital gains tax.'


