Saturday, December 05, 2009

Farage in Buckingham: please help.

Without going into the ins and outs of the UKIP campaign to gain the Buckingham seat in the General Election, it is clearly now a two horse race between the incumbent MP and Speaker, John Bercow, and UKIP's outstanding Nigel Farage.
For once UKIP are in with a real shout in an FPTP election.
May I request that all out there who, like me, want to see the destruction of the 'cosy consensus' of the LibLabCon should actually do something about it?
Even I will travel to Buckingham to help the campaign for a couple of days.
If you care about our nation - this really could be the first nail in the coffin of our self-serving, anti-democratic political elite.
Please help by leafletting and doorknocking in that constituency! Plan ahead, the time is short!
