Thursday, December 10, 2009

A great backfire.

'Health messages on cigarette packets that warn of the fatal effects of smoking can actually drive people to light up, a study has found.
Death is such a terrifying prospect that many find a comforting fag is the only answer.
The effect is linked to a psychological theory known as Terror Management, which holds that some people feel such extreme anxiety at the prospect of dying that they constantly need to boost their self-esteem to cope.
Those who get their self-worth from smoking - because it makes them feel sexy or cool - will find themselves doing it even more to allay their fears.'

Were it not all so potentially tragic, this could have been seriously funny. 'Nanny State' intervenes and interferes in the lives of individuals with overweening advice and near persecution. Naturally, of course, NS 'had our best interests at heart.'
Why did she intervene in the first place? - Because she could!
Yet again we see how actions by government - on this occasion we'll give them the benefit of the doubt on being genuinely well-meaning - are subject to The Law of Unintended Consequences.
