Friday, December 11, 2009

Frisps - trivial? - No. It matters as a principle.

I am angry with KP. For some years my favourite crisps have been their Frisps which I have regularly bought in a multipack.
If not bought in supermarkets (and sometimes even then) they have had packs of 6 Frisps with 100% free. Ignore the propaganda - this was clearly the standard price.
If not careful, you could get landed with their packs which only offered 9 for 6.
Some months ago, the 100% free packs disappeared to be replaced with the '50% extra' only.
Latterly, they are offering '2 free packs' which means you now get 8 for the same price as you were paying for 12 earlier in the year.
Clearly they will argue that these are all 'generous offers' but this is clearly not the case.
Their product which costs fractions of a penny to produce has been given a price hike of 50%. Compare to inflation levels!
And we complain about oil companies being sharks? - Well. KP have lost me. All such companies do if it happens to be within my powers to punish them by withdrawing my custom.
If everybody were similarly careful, the cost of living would plummet!

Russell and Bear.

  Bear Grylls played a special role in Russell Brand's baptism. Jennifer Lee    10 May 2024 Russell Brand with Bear Grylls and his frien...