Monday, December 28, 2009

CRB checks.

There is perhaps one point where 99% of society can agree. We all want to eradicate paedophile behaviour.
It is indeed rare that a government has such single-mindedness; such unananimity amongst voters.
Even then they still get it badly wrong. I refer of course to the ubiquitous CRB checks which have turned from a vaguely 'useful tool' into 'means of making lives difficult for both organisations and individuals'. Moreover, for smaller organisations these can prove ridiculously expensive and have oft turned into major bureaucratic nightmares for all concerned.
If governments were truly wanting to solve the problem and get into line with general thinking, they would not be playing silly games but would return to locking these offenders away for very long periods of time and where the worst are concerned - permanently! Psychologists will tell you frankly that these are a social group who never reform! (Beware 'indeterminate sentences' which sound considerably worse than they are in practice.)
Use hefty prison sentences to deal with the roots of the problem and not bureaucracy which only scratches the surface and does nothing more than add minor inconvenience to the child molesters themselves.
