Thursday, April 14, 2011

Prayer requested.

TEHRAN, IRAN (Worthy News) - Five detained members of one of Iran's largest house church movements were to face a trial Monday, April 5, on charges of "blasphemy" which carries the death penalty in this strict Islamic nation, a church representative told Worthy News.
Pastor Behrouz Sadegh-Khandjani, Mehdi Furutan, Parviz Khalaj, Mohammed Beliad and his wife Nazly Makarian Beliad,of the Church of Iran denomination, are already serving a one-year prison sentence for "crimes against the Islamic Order" at the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz.
Now the other "trial of the servants of the Church of Iran has is been set for April 5. They have been accused of blasphemy against Islam," said a church representative with close knowledge about the situation.

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