Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Unemployed but no jobs available?

This is an utterly ridiculous situation. Why is it the job of government to pay you money and/or to find you a better paying job than you can earn on benefits if you are even moderately fit?
We live in an area which would be called lower middle class/upper working class.
It is nigh on impossible to get get people to work on our house and gardens.
How many times have people turned down work? How many times have they made absurd quotes which, if challenged or negotiated, means that they toddle off uninterestedly? Why do many small businesses not even bother to return a phone call after you have left a voice mail.
It can only mean that there is a whole load of work out there - much unskilled and some semi-skilled.
We are surrounded by large amounts of privet and pay well for a first cut. But quotes of  £130 are simply absurd for what is in effect, a solid half days graft.
A couple of students - working their way through university - set up a business to do small gardening jobs. They charge reasonable amounts and immediately have our custom for as long as they are around.Countless homes near us would pay to have their privet cut! Where are the unemployed offering to do this? Chopping down shrubs, cutting lawns, digging gardens?
Seasonal? - Yes, but in seven months you could easily earn a good year's salary if prepared to work longish days.
Simply knocking on doors gets you a start - and when neighbours spot what you are doing it's close to queuing to get your attention with the 'Could you give us a quote when you've finished, mate?
As for basic plumbing, tiling, plastering, painting, wallpapering, brickwork - all of these skills can be learned on (often free) short courses.
Some of these require a minimum of tools and so very little outlay AND if you go out on your own into such businesses - there are even grants to get you started!
How many window cleaners we do not have in this city!
So people like me, who are beginning to age, have a double whammy in having to pay taxes for people to be unemployed AND can't easily get jobs done around the house!
Wonderful, innit?

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