Thursday, April 21, 2011

What? - Only FIFTY?

Leftwing politics is responsible for the majority of the great disasters which assail our nation today.

True - it cannot really take the blame for the inception of the malevolent EU - but it was certainly prepared to hijack it to further its own negative ends.True - capitalism has had some severely detrimental effects on society but even if the aristocratic right has had some recent influence - so many of these today hide paradoxically under the auspices of the liberal left - which confuses many - myself included. BUT the real social damage has come from the left who have almost exclusively brought us:

1) Uncontrolled immigration which damages a society on countless levels?

2) The granting to low lifes a freedom from fear so that they can commit the worst of crimes with so little fear of the consequences?

3) A benefits culture which sustains the feckless at the expense of the working man - and dilutes the benefits available for deserving cases?

4) Godlessness; immorality; mockery of decency; protection for those who damage the foundations of society?

5) A ridiculous educational system based on 'the fight against elitism' rather than care for education in its own right?

6) Bureaucracy?

7) The idea that governments rule - they do not serve!?

8) Ultra high taxation with few positives to show in society for their profligacy?

9) The denigration of employers, entrepreneurs, business people, profit, investment? - Such thinking undermines our economy!

10) Selling out to foreign powers?

11) The idea that 'nanny state' is a must?

12) Illegitimacy rates which are horrific and undermine the basis of the family?

13) The idea that butchering the unborn is perfectly okay but executing evil people is morally barbaric?

14) Unnecessary wars.

15) A virtually unconditional kowtowing to trade unions - some of which have had a treasonous agenda?

16) Redefining morality so that the only 'wrongs' are: a belief in justice, free speech, democracy, homophobia, being insufficiently 'green' and assorted '-isms'?

17) Centralised government?

18) A failure to deal with 'the first duty of government' which is 'to protect its people' - by savaging our military?

19) Wild and ill-considered grants of taxpayers' cash to foreign nations - some of which are nuclear powers and others where the funds line the Cayman Island bank accounts of tinpot dictators?

20) The destruction of 'individual responsibility'?

21) Militant feminism?

22) Bigoted support of a health system which is so poor it ranks in 28th position in the world?

23) Beliefs that the 'rich can be taxed to the eyeballs' without deleterious consequences?

24) Bringing us tax systems which are designed to damage the family?

25) Insisting that homosexuality should be rammed into the undeveloped minds of our children at very young ages?

26) Planting its minions in the BBC and countless quango and government posts in high ranking positions?

27) Acceptance of incomplete science as absolute fact?

28) Happily creating a system wherein it is possible to 'earn' more from benefits than by working - or by working a mere 16 hours?

29) Creates situations where Sheffield firms find it better to lay off workers on £8 an hour so Polish workers can do their jobs for two pounds less?

30) Making it 'racist' for Police, Customs and Inland Revenue to target KNOWN scams if those targets are from ethnic minorities?

31) Making true Christianity effectively illegal by stating what Christians are permitted to believe?

32) Presenting us with untrammeled political correctness?

33) Destroying our culture?

34) Lumping Christianity together with other faiths in order to dilute its effect?

35) Conveniently forgetting that 'multiculturalism' is for nations with ethnic histories such as found in Singapore but is doomed to failure in the UK? (Whatever happened to 'integration'?)

36) Being anti-motorist instead of trying to look for greater efficiency?

37) Pursuing eccentric, quixotic, spendthrift policies with wind turbines which are doomed to fail?

38) Throwing public money at problems without thought for value?

39) Throwing monies at perceived problems: ones which probably only exist in the minds of the average leftie in the first place?

40) Pretending to be the sole holders of 'the moral high ground'?

41) Introducing us to terms such as 'stealth taxation'?

42) Breaking promises on: The Common Market, Referenda on The Lisbon Treaty and in some cases, votes on withdrawal from the EU?

43) Creating non jobs to fill the advertising columns of The Grauniad?

44) Frequently creating situations where the unelected House of Lords is more representative of the public than our elected members at Westminster?

45) Not permitting PR as it might create something akin to democracy?

46) Refusing referenda on moral issues: parliamentarians must 'be our conscience'.

47) Hogtying our courts so as to limit the execution of justice - particularly where magistrates are concerned.

48) Implementing damaging EU policies without fighting them in the way successive French governments have done.

49) Allowing bankers off the leash!

50) Encouraging marxism by stealth.

Okay, I could easily double this list. Yet, I freely admit the failings of bankers et al. But the levels of social destruction caused by the left beggar belief! What the 'monied people' have done to our nation pales almost into insignificance when compared to the above!
No. Utterly, unpardonable!

Incidentally, I do not really consider myself rightwing - more than anything, I am an anti-leftist - one can hardly wonder why!

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