Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Just Love The Picture - It Probably Mirrors The Reality!

Let's just consider who will not be voting Lib Dem next time:
1] Those within their ranks - and there really are more than a few - who oppose the EU.
2] Those who hate tories with a venom and cannot forgive Clegg for having joined a tory-based coalition.
3] Those who have finally realised - and dislike the fact - that the Lib Dems are actually a left-leaning party and emphatically 'not a party of the centre'.
4] Those who have a genuine belief in democracy.
5] Those who are recognising that the whole 'global warming' scam is beginning to unravel.
6] The people who are Labour voters by inclination who have 'given them a try'.
7] As above - but with ex-tory voters.
8] Natural Greens who consider that the Lib Dems have 'sold out'.
9] The 'ivory tower left' who will not be able to stomach any pragmatic decisions by senior Lib Dems and
10] Those who have finally realised that Vince Cable is not a 'financial wizard' at all but an irritating little know-it-all who had 'a good press' for a while!

The problem is that I could make similar lists for Labour and Conservatives.
Tragically, all these losers still retain loyalty from so many voters.  WHY?
