Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Just Love The Picture - It Probably Mirrors The Reality!

Let's just consider who will not be voting Lib Dem next time:
1] Those within their ranks - and there really are more than a few - who oppose the EU.
2] Those who hate tories with a venom and cannot forgive Clegg for having joined a tory-based coalition.
3] Those who have finally realised - and dislike the fact - that the Lib Dems are actually a left-leaning party and emphatically 'not a party of the centre'.
4] Those who have a genuine belief in democracy.
5] Those who are recognising that the whole 'global warming' scam is beginning to unravel.
6] The people who are Labour voters by inclination who have 'given them a try'.
7] As above - but with ex-tory voters.
8] Natural Greens who consider that the Lib Dems have 'sold out'.
9] The 'ivory tower left' who will not be able to stomach any pragmatic decisions by senior Lib Dems and
10] Those who have finally realised that Vince Cable is not a 'financial wizard' at all but an irritating little know-it-all who had 'a good press' for a while!

The problem is that I could make similar lists for Labour and Conservatives.
Tragically, all these losers still retain loyalty from so many voters.  WHY?

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...