Thursday, April 05, 2012

The ATL On Why School Discipline Is Left In A Shambles.

The scrapping of the cane has led to a deterioration in children’s behaviour at school, according to teachers.
Sanctions available to schools since corporal punishment was abolished 25 years ago are ‘totally inadequate’ at reasserting authority in the classroom and lack the same deterrent effect, they said yesterday.
While rejecting a return to the cane [non sequitur) members of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers condemned existing sanctions such as detention and suspension.

Figure of fear: The forbidding use of canes is alleged to be behind the sharp decline in children's discipline
‘Novel’ punishments are needed to allow teachers to reassert their authority in the classroom, they said.
Delegates at the association’s annual conference voted unanimously for research into ‘effective’ disciplinary methods.
‘When corporal punishment was abolished nothing was put in its place that had equivalent deterrent powers,’ said Julian Perfect, a teacher from London.
How utterly astonishing - the liberal left were wrong! How can that be? It's not as if they've ever been wrong before - .... OH! ... Er... Well.....
Read more:
Note: Ironically, The Guardian also reports this - even though it led the liberal left to their anti-democratic victory on this issue. I add a personal note on the matter. When caning finished in the apprehensive in which I was teaching, it had happened as a diktat from the Rotherham LEA well before actually required by law. This was kept secret from pupils and we had a two year hiatus before the problems really kicked in!

A Verse of Great Encouragement.