Monday, April 02, 2012

Hellfire Preaching.

I have seldom been more depressed than I have been with the trio of programmes called Reverse Missionaries. Preachers from Malawi, India & Jamaica have gone respectively to Glasgow, Belfast and rural Gloucestershire where they have discovered mega amounts of spiritual apathy.
Let us get down to basics. All these people who are 'half christians', atheists, deists, theists and agnostics et al are ALL going to hell. THAT is what the Scriptures tell us.
People who do not know this cannot understand why they have any need for salvation or for The Saviour!
Perhaps the time is right to return to some old fashioned, 'hellfire preachers' taking to the streets.
At the present rates, 90+% of our population is not going anywhere near heaven when they die.
We are trying passive, almost apologetic methods as if we are embarrassed by 'our product'. Ask a salesman how much these techniques would work in their fields!
If people have no concept whatsoever of how desperate their situation truly is - why should they try to resolve something they do not even recognise as a problem.
The Great Commission requires Christians to inform them!

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?